VB2014 previews: an overview

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Sep 23, 2014

Fourteen blog posts look ahead at the 24th Virus Bulletin conference.

In just a few more hours, delegates will be able to collect their VB2014 badges before the conference really gets going tomorrow. If you are as impatient as we are but, unlike us, don't have to spend the next few hours stuffing delegate bags and alphabetising badges, you might want to read some of the blog posts we have published over the last few weeks, previewing some of the conference presentations.

Of course, there are many more papers than those previewed, and we urge you to take a look at the full programme, which shows the full spectrum of papers.

VB2013 Berlin

Should you have any questions, we answered a number of them in a blog post last week. Or you can just come to the registration desk at 16:00 this afternoon.

See you soon!

Posted on 23 September 2014 by Martijn Grooten



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