VB2014: frequently asked questions

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Sep 18, 2014

Some useful information for those attending VB2014 - or those interested in attending.

I haven't registered yet, but I'd like to attend. Can I still register?
Yes, you can. Use our online registration form or contact [email protected].

Does the hotel still have rooms available?
Attendance numbers this year are higher than ever before, so you might have a hard time finding a room at the Westin. Please check with the hotel and note that the Westin Seattle is located in the centre of Seattle, with several other hotels within walking distance.

When can I pick up my badge?
The registration desk will be open 16:00-18:00 on Tuesday 23 September and again from 08:00 on Wednesday 24 September. We ask you to wear your badge throughout the conference.

I will arrive late. Is this a problem?
The registration desk will be manned throughout the conference, so this isn't a problem, although we would appreciate it if you would let us know. (If you are a speaker, then please do let us know if you will be arriving late and will thus miss the speakers' briefing on Wednesday morning.)

Will breakfast and lunch be provided?
Lunch is provided on all three days of the conference, as is breakfast on Thursday and Friday. It will be served in the 'Grand II ballroom' on the conference floor. (Note that breakfast on Wednesday is not included in the programme.)

My partner will be in Seattle. Can they join me for breakfast, lunch, the drinks reception and/or the gala dinner?
Yes, this is certainly possible. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss options and prices and we will help you out.

I have a special dietary requirement, are you able to inform the hotel?
If you let us know, we will inform the hotel and they will do their best to accommodate your needs. However, please note that it is ultimately your own responsibility that you are served the appropriate food.

Will there be Wi-Fi in the conference area?
Yes, there will be free Wi-Fi in the conference area thanks to the generous support of our sponsor Microsoft.

I am a journalist and I would like to attend the conference. Is that possible?
Yes, it is. Please contact [email protected] and we'll help you out.

Have any changes been made to the conference programme?
The best way to find out is to check the programme on our website, which will be kept up to date should any changes occur. We have a number of excellent reserve presentations lined up should a speaker not be able to make it at the last minute.

I'd like to blog about the conference, or post about it on social media. Is this OK?
Sure! We'd love attendees to spread the word. If you use Twitter, we recommend you use the hashtag #vb2014.

Occasionally, a speaker may ask you not to use the content of their presentation on social media or in blogs. Please respect such requests.

During previous years, a sponsor served free drinks at the bar - will this happen again this year?
We have heard rumours that this will indeed be the case.

I heard that VB attendees like to play table football against each other. Will the traditional table football tournament take place?
Rumour has it that this will also be the case.

I am too impatient to wait until next week. How can I find out what VB is really like?
The people from G Data made a short video of VB2013 that we really liked. You can also find a number of past conference presentations on our YouTube channel.

I am arriving earlier (or staying on after the conference). Do you have any recommendations of things to do in Seattle?
We have found Visit Seattle a really good resource for all things Seattle. In addition, many of this year's attendees are locals, and they no doubt will have even better tips.

I really can't make it, is there any way I can still join the fun?
Well, you will of course miss the excellent presentations, the great food, the drinks reception, the gala dinner with the cabaret and the presentation of the first Péter Ször award, the discussions during the keynote address and the closing panel, as well as the many discussions with fellow attendees late at night in the hotel bar.

But if you really can't come, you can follow the hash tag #vb2014 to find out what you are missing. We will also post slides of some presentations on our website.

I have a question that isn't covered here; what is the best way to contact you?
Please email [email protected] for questions about the conference, or [email protected] for questions about the programme.

During the conference, VB staff will be more than happy to help you. You can recognise them by their black crew shirts.

From 22-26 September, the VB team can be reached in Seattle on +44 (0)7872 674989. (Please keep the time difference in mind - and please note that the VB staff will be travelling to Seattle on Monday.)

Posted on 18 September 2014 by Martijn Grooten



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