
US and UK spam legislation in place

Anti-spam legislation in place.

29 December 2003

Number crunching

Calculating the average cost of a virus attack - estimates or guesstimates?

19 December 2003

SAS - the SysAsmin Service?

Computer security experts prepare to become special constables.

18 December 2003

Seasonal spamming

Increase in spam in lead up to holiday season.

01 December 2003

Seasonal spamming

Increase in spam in lead up to holiday season.

01 December 2003

SpamCop snapped up

IronPort Systems to purchase SpamCop

01 December 2003

SpamCop snapped up

IronPort Systems to purchase SpamCop

1 December 2003

VB2004 call for papers

Virus Bulletin calls for all speakers papers.

05 January 2004

The menace within

Is BitDefender really staffed by Romanian vampire hackers...?

04 November 2003

Unanimous vote for CAN-SPAM Act

US Senate approves federal anti-spam legislation.

01 November 2003

New VB Spam Supplement

VB plans to present a selection of news and articles on spam and anti-spam techniques - some technical, some ethical, some relating to real-world experiences of dealing with spam.

01 November 2003

Unanimous vote for CAN-SPAM Act

US Senate approves federal anti-spam legislation.

1 November 2003

Totally Toronto: VB2003

Helen Martin recounts the Virus Bulletin conference.

30 October 2003

Linux vs. Windows viruses: a rebuttal

Pete Sergeant responds to an article by a SecurityFocus columnist, which hints that Linux users really don't need to worry about viruses.

06 October 2003

Four arrests and a congressional hearing

US Congress starts to take computer security seriously, four alleged malware writers arrested...

30 September 2003

Youth faces arrest for Blaster variant

Teenager suspected of creating Blaster variant faces arrest.

29 August 2003

Watching and waiting for Sobig

On 22 August 2003 anti-virus experts and sysadmins worldwide waited to discover what events, if any, would unfold when Sobig.F began a synchronized attack.

26 August 2003

Symantec acquires Hilgraeve patent

Symantec pays $62.5m for a software patent, considers litigation against infringing competitors.

19 August 2003

No more Mr Nice Guy: UK gets tough on hi-tech criminals

Welsh virus-writer shown justice, not mercy

01 August 2003

The big wait

Will Microsoft's second attempt at entering the anti-virus field result in the 'vast shake-up' of the AV industry that was expected last time?

01 July 2003

Canadian retreat

Ontario plays host to VB2003 and NTBugtraq Retreat.

01 July 2003

School without thought - your thoughts

Your thoughts on the University of Calgary's proposals to teach virus writing in its course on computer viruses and malware.

30 June 2003

Microsoft buys into AV

Microsoft announces acquisition of anti-virus technology.

10 June 2003

School without thought

University course teaches students to write malware.

01 June 2003

Military intelligence

US Army gets serious about anti-virus.

10 April 2003

Same old, same old

Virus writers plead stupidity...

02 April 2003

Security in the classroom

Microsoft supporting secure code initiative at University of Leeds

01 April 2003

Lighter sentences for virus writers?

A US report claims that sentences for computer-related crimes are too harsh.

03 March 2003

Anti-virus for Lindows

Lindows teams up with Central Command to sell Linux anti-virus - a step in the right direction, but perhaps not far enough...

20 February 2003

Symantec press release backfires

Watch out for your marketing department...

17 February 2003

VB2003 programme announced

Details of the VB2003 conference programme announced ...

05 February 2003

Calling all speakers

Submit your papers for VB2003 now!

04 February 2003

Calling all speakers

Submit your papers for VB2003 now!

04 February 2003

Standing up for free speech

NAI lands itself a hefty fine...

03 February 2003

Two years for three viruses

Author of Gokar, Redesi and Admirer jailed for two years.

01 February 2003

Virus writers get a helping hand

Two organizations send viruses to mailing list subscribers...

23 Jan 2003


VB predicts: 'Beagle's bark worse than its bite', 'Beware of Bagles in the morning', 'The Beagle has landed', ad nauseam.

19 January 2003

News summary...

Trend estimates $5b virus damage in 2003, monoculture blues, Symantec 'reels from week of mishaps', more MiMail, and more...

16 January 2003

Microsoft rights management

What digital and information rights management may mean for the industry.

14 January 2003

RIAA worm

RIAA allegedly buying worms to stop P2P piracy

14 Jan 2003

Anti anti anti

NAI buys DeerSoft Inc., manufacturer of SpamAssassin Pro - confusion assured ...

07 Jan 2003

Lessons to be Learned

Proving that mistakes can happen to us all, it seems that W32/Winevar.A was not the only virus 'story' to have arisen from the AVAR 2002 conference in Korea.

03 January 2003

A Happy New Year

In a cheery end-of-year message, mi2g has made ten security predictions for 2003.

02 January 2003


Latest posts:

VBSpam tests to be executed under the AMTSO framework

VB is excited to announce that, starting from the Q3 test, all VBSpam tests of email security products will be executed under the AMTSO framework.

In memoriam: Prof. Ross Anderson

We were very sorry to learn of the passing of Professor Ross Anderson a few days ago.

In memoriam: Dr Alan Solomon

We were very sorry to learn of the passing of industry pioneer Dr Alan Solomon earlier this week.

New paper: Nexus Android banking botnet – compromising C&C panels and dissecting mobile AppInjects

In a new paper, researchers Aditya K Sood and Rohit Bansal provide details of a security vulnerability in the Nexus Android botnet C&C panel that was exploited in order to gather threat intelligence, and present a model of mobile AppInjects.

New paper: Collector-stealer: a Russian origin credential and information extractor

In a new paper, F5 researchers Aditya K Sood and Rohit Chaturvedi present a 360 analysis of Collector-stealer, a Russian-origin credential and information extractor.

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