VB2003 programme announced

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Feb 5, 2003

Details of the VB2003 conference programme announced ...

Details of the VB2003 conference programme have been announced and are available online.

VB2003 will host more than 30 speakers - all recognised experts in the anti-virus field - who will cover a wide range of AV-related subjects, from detailed analysis of emerging threats and new technologies to user education, corporate policy and law enforcement.

New this year are themed panel discussions at the end of each day, offering the opportunity for some lively debate of pertinent anti-virus issues.

Full programme details can be found here, complete with abstracts for all papers.

VB2003 in Toronto is going ahead as planned on 25-26th September 2003. The World Health Organisation (www.who.int) currently considers Toronto to be a safe destination, but we are monitoring the situation closely. We are confident that, since Canada is treating the reported eight new SARS cases very seriously, the problem will disappear within a few weeks.

Posted on 05 February 2003 by Virus Bulletin




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