Canadian retreat

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Jul 1, 2003

Ontario plays host to VB2003 and NTBugtraq Retreat.

This year's Virus Bulletin conference programme covers a wide range of subjects - from the detailed analysis of emerging threats and new technologies, to user education, corporate policy and law enforcement. With themed panel discussions at the end of each day will there will be ample opportunity for some lively debate of pertinent anti-virus issues.

This September, there is the opportunity to continue with those debates, as the 5th Annual NTBugtraq Retreat will be held in the days immediately following VB2003.

The Retreat is held at the home of NTBugtraq Editor Russ Cooper, approximately 100km north-east of Toronto and promises fishing, bird watching, boating and feasting as well as discussion and debate. The Retreat starts in the evening of Friday 26 September - the closing day of VB2003 - and the nitty gritty begins on 27 September and runs until 29 September. The Retreat is limited to 40 attendees and, judging by the testimonials from past attendees, will be a popular event. More information can be found at

Click here for more information about VB2003 or register for the conference online.

Send your comments to [email protected]

Posted on 01 July 2003 by Virus Bulletin




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