
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

CA Internet Security Suite Plus 2010

The VB test team took a closer look at CA's latest product for the home market. John Hawes has the details.

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BackDoor.Tdss.565 and its modifications (aka TDL3)

New BackDoor.Tdss rootkits are sophisticated pieces of malware. Alexey Tkachenko and Artem Baranov detail the BackDoor.Tdss.565 rootkit - which presented surprises within minutes of the start of its analysis.

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Why flash web pages are like collateralized debt obligations

‘We're wasting more time than ever dealing with malware that is more hostile than ever.’ John Levine, Taughannock Networks.

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Doin’ the eagle rock

If a file contains no code, can it be executed? Can arithmetic operations be malicious? In W32/Lerock we have a file that contains no code, and no data in any meaningful sense. All it contains is a block of relocation items. Peter Ferrie untangles…

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Memory analysis - examples

Ken Dunham (iSIGHT Partners)

Following last month's introduction to memory analysis, Ken Dunham walks through the process using Haxdoor as an example.

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HMRC addresses security

Security to be prioritized to prevent future data losses.

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Microsoft tackles Waledac

Software giant wins court order to take down botnet command and control centres.

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Mcafee growth plan unveiled

Three to four acquisitions planned per year.

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Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

After the last mammoth VB100 test on Windows 7, this month sees a smaller field of competitors for the less well supported Linux platform. John Hawes reports on a mixed bag of results.

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Cut the Cutwail

Kyle Yang (Fortinet)

After playing the cat-and-mouse game with AV companies for several months, the author(s) of Pushdo/Cutwail finally decided to change their advanced installer, in doing so changing the communication mechanism between the servers and bots. Kyle Yang…

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