
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

PWN2KILL, EICAR and AV: scientific and pragmatic research

David Harley (ESET)

‘Crossing over to the Dark Side of the customer/vendor divide has made me increasingly aware of just how bad "bad" can be.’ David Harley, ESET

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VB100 – Windows Server 2008 R2

VB's lab team battled with inconsistencies and unreliable behaviours in this month's VB100 test, but eventually managed to pull together some meaningful results. John Hawes names and shames the badly behaved products and reveals this month's VB100…

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SonicWALL in latest acquisition

The latest in a flurry of activity in acquisitions and mergers in the security field.

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Adapting to TxF

Abhijit P. Kulkarni (Quick Heal Technologies)
Prakash D. Jagdale (Quick Heal Technologies)

Abhijit Kulkarni and Prakash Jagdale discuss why most real-time anti-virus scanners are ineffective at detecting malware written using the TxF facility and propose a working solution for the problem.

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Anti-unpacker tricks – part eight

Last year, a series of articles described some tricks that might become common in the future, along with some countermeasures. Now, the series continues with a look at tricks that are specific to debuggers and emulators.

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The best of...

‘[The security industry] has made great strides in attempting to get information across to the general populace in a palatable format..’ Helen Martin, Virus Bulletin

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Exploit kit explosion – part two: vectors of attack

After introducing a multitude of exploit frameworks used in drive-by browser-based attacks in his last article, this month Mark Davis details the functionality of frameworks, focusing on attack vectors (exploits) and counter-intelligence efforts.

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Acquisitions, sales and rumours

Symantec makes purchases, Sophos sells majority interest and rumours rumble about McAfee.

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Cyber Security Challenge challenged by vulnerability

XSS vulnerability in site of project aimed at plugging cyber security skills gap.

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TDSS infections – quarterly report

The TDSS/TDL rootkit is the cause of many a headache for anti-virus vendors. Here, Alisa Shevchenko presents a report and analysis of statistics collected from the users of a TDSS removal tool during the first quarter of 2010.

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