Papers published in September 2015

Editor: Martijn Grooten

 VBSpam comparative review September 2015

For the first time since July 2014, all full solutions in this month's test achieved VBSpam certification. Moreover, an additional measure introduced this month showed that products rarely delayed the delivery of emails. Martijn Grooten reports.

Martijn Grooten - Virus Bulletin, UK

Throwback Thursday: The First International Virus Bulletin Conference (October 1991)

On September 12-13th 1991, some 150 delegates and 20 speakers from four continents assembled at the Hotel de France in St. Helier, Jersey for the first International Virus Bulletin Conference. VB's then editor Ed Wilding provided a full round-up of the event, looking at the themes, the presentations, the discussions and the Donald Duck impersonations.

Ed Wilding -

Throwback Thursday: Virus Writer and Distributors 'Attributable Viruses' (July 1990)

While it is not easy to establish the origins of a computer virus, and it is rare that positive indicators as to authorship can be found by examining virus code, there are a number of notable exceptions to this. Dr. Jan Hruska takes us through some 'attributable viruses'.

Dr Jan Hruska -

Throwback Thursday: Computer Viruses: Electronically Transmitted Disease? (March 2003)

What is the psychological toll inflicted by computer viruses? In 2003, psychiatrist Dr H.W. LeBourgeois, of Tulane University of New Orleans, ran a study to attempt to answer this question, revealing some interesting findings.

Dr H.W. LeBourgeois III - Tulane University School of Medicine, USA & Monique LeBourgeois - The University of Southern Mississippi, USA


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