ReasonLabs in VB100

ReasonLabs is a leading cybersecurity company equipping tens of millions of home users with the same level of cyber protection utilized by Fortune 500 companies. Its AI-powered, next-generation antivirus engine scans billions of files worldwide to predict and prevent cyberattacks in real-time, 24/7. Its flagship product, RAV Endpoint Protection, and its other cybersecurity products combine to form a multilayered solution that safeguards home users against next-generation threats. Co-founded in 2016 by seasoned cybersecurity expert Andrew Newman - an architect of Microsoft's native cybersecurity program, Microsoft Defender - ReasonLabs is based in New York and Tel Aviv. Learn more at


Events in VB100

May 21, 2024

Test passed

RAV Endpoint Protection Premium from ReasonLabs was tested successfully. Read the test report.


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