Who wasn’t responsible for Olympic Destroyer?

Wednesday 3 October 15:00 - 15:30, Green room

Paul Rascagneres (Cisco Talos)
Warren Mercer (Cisco Talos)

This year's Winter Olympic Games took place in Pyeongchang, Korea. Several media outlets mentioned technical issues having occurred during the opening ceremony. In this presentation we will present the malware we have identified - with moderate confidence - as having been used in the attack. First, we will describe the malware's propagation techniques and its destructive capabilities. The second part of the presentation will be about attribution and how, in this particular case, the attacker included several false flags in order to point to well-known threat actors. The conclusion of the presentation will open the discussion about how hard attribution can be and our view concerning the future of this discipline.




Paul Rascagneres






Warren Mercer




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