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FTC fines spammers over $2.5 million

Drug pushers busted for phony claims and CAN-SPAM breaches.
Drug pushers busted for phony claims and CAN-SPAM breaches. After a successful case brought by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a pharmaceuticals firm and its head have been…

419 scammers plead guilty in US

African trio admit attempts to defraud via spam.
African trio admit attempts to defraud via spam. Three men, two from Nigeria and a third from Senegal, entered guilty pleas in a Brooklyn, New York, courtroom last week after being…

US agencies report vishing, extortion, danger of hacking

FBI name used in email attacks, CIA warns of power supply hacks.
FBI name used in email attacks, CIA warns of power supply hacks. US security and law enforcement agencies were more than usually active in the computer security world last week,…

Stormy love letters

Storm botnet celebrates birthday with new wave of spam.
Storm botnet celebrates birthday with new wave of spam. Earlier this week malware experts warned of likely increased activity of the Storm botnet around Valentine's Day next month.…

Spam printing proof-of-concept revealed

Lack of security allows websites to send spammish content to network printers.
Lack of security allows websites to send spammish content to network printers. Opening your inbox on a Monday morning and finding out that it's full of spam is bad enough already,…

No taste for spam?

ICANN takes steps to combat domain tasting.
ICANN takes steps to combat domain tasting. The practice of domain tasting, often used by spammers and other shady types to register tens of thousands of Internet domain names at…

Mortgage spam rockets

Spammers take note of US interest rate cuts.
Spammers take note of US interest rate cuts. Mortgage spam saw a significant increase last month in conjunction with the interest rate cuts announced by the US Federal Reserve.…

FTC notes malicious spam on the rise

FTC reports on a decade of spam fighting.
FTC reports on a decade of spam fighting. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has released a report reflecting on the ten years in which it has been involved in the fight…

Prolific spammer indicted

Notorious spammer Alan Ralsky charged with spamming and stock fraud.
Notorious spammer Alan Ralsky charged with spamming and stock fraud. Infamous prolific spammer Alan Ralsky has been indicted over his alleged involvement in an international…

Opening of a (spam) can of worms

Hormel loses latest trademark battle.
Hormel loses latest trademark battle.Hormel Foods Corp., inventor and manufacturer of the world-famous canned meat product SPAM, has lost a lawsuit against Seattle-based company…

Inconvenient content

Hackers include spammish content into Al Gore's website.
Hackers include spammish content into Al Gore's website. Hackers have managed to break into a website set up to promote Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth and include links to…

Phished data used for phishing attacks

Password leak leads to major CRM customer data haul.
Password leak leads to major CRM customer data haul. A security breach at customer relationship management (CRM) firm has led to a large-scale leak of confidential…

LinkedIn providing open redirect

Lax website setup could be used to trick the unwary.
Lax website setup could be used to trick the unwary. Popular professional networking system LinkedIn has been allowing free redirects from its website, providing spammers and…

Symantec warns of rigged Google search links

Advanced search options lead clickers straight to junk sites.
Advanced search options lead clickers straight to junk sites. Spammers have found a novel use for Google's advanced search options and 'I'm Feeling Lucky' function, using a…

The sound of spam

Firm reports 15 million MP3 spams in October.
Firm reports 15 million MP3 spams in October. Last month saw pump-and-dump spammers try out yet another file type for getting their message across to the gullible: MP3 audio…

Storm spams promise spooky Halloween

Tricks not treats as skeleton game emails link to attack.
Tricks not treats as skeleton game emails link to attack. The 'Storm' attack has once again taken advantage of a popular cultural occasion to spam out the latest wave of links to…

Pump-and-dumpers move on to MP3 spam

Audio files latest stock pushing tactic.
Audio files latest stock pushing tactic. Pump-and-dump spammers have moved on from image spam, PDF spam and Excel spreadsheet spam to try out yet another file type: MP3 audio…

Storm botnet evolution hints at spam and DDoS renting

Latest change in tactics could mean zombie clusters for hire.
Latest change in tactics could mean zombie clusters for hire. The latest twist in the long-running 'Storm' saga, the use of encryption in communications between infected hosts and…

Bulletproof hosting firm claims legitimacy

Crime-laden Russian service threatens to sue detractors.
Crime-laden Russian service threatens to sue detractors. A notorious Russian firm offering 'bulletproof hosting' - website hosting services with a guarantee that sites will not be…

Five to six years for $1 million porn spammers

Strong sentences for CAN-SPAM breaches, money laundering.
Strong sentences for CAN-SPAM breaches, money laundering. Two US men found guilty in June of breaching the terms of the 2003 CAN-SPAM Act, as well as numerous other charges…

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