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Five to six years for $1 million porn spammers

Strong sentences for CAN-SPAM breaches, money laundering.
Strong sentences for CAN-SPAM breaches, money laundering. Two US men found guilty in June of breaching the terms of the 2003 CAN-SPAM Act, as well as numerous other charges…

Spam sneaked out via YouTube systems

Entertainment site service used to send junk mails.
Entertainment site service used to send junk mails. Spammers have taken advantage of an email service provided by popular video clip site YouTube, to send out spams pushing dating…

What's in a number?

Latest round of spam stats.
Latest round of spam stats. According to various reports last month, spam now accounts for 83%, 85%, 91.9% or 95% of all emails received. Regardless of the inconsistencies, the…

China to try e-stamping out spam

Postage stamps to become the norm for Chinese emailers?
Postage stamps to become the norm for Chinese emailers? The national Internet regulator in China has announced future plans to introduce 'e-stamp' technology in an attempt to curb…

Storm DDoS hits anti-scam sites

419 fighters attacked - NFL and TOR latest spam hooks.
419 fighters attacked - NFL and TOR latest spam hooks. The massive botnet amassed by the 'Storm' (Zhelatin/Nuwar/Dorf/etc.) attack continues to target new victims, with the TOR…

Spamhaus $11 million fine thrown out

Appeal court quashes earlier e360 compensation ruling.
Appeal court quashes earlier e360 compensation ruling. Anti-spam operation Spamhaus, previously ordered to pay $11 million to mass-mailing firm e360 Insight after refusing to…

Unsafe computing in abundance

Reports and statistics on unsafe computing practices.
Reports and statistics on unsafe computing practices. Last month saw a flurry of reports and statistics on unsafe computing practices. To kick off, almost a quarter of…

Sender authentication checks on the rise

SPF records creep into top ten content triggers checked by ISPs.
SPF records creep into top ten content triggers checked by ISPs. A report by email marketing software provider Lyris has revealed that use of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF)…

YouTube latest Storm hook

Fake video links aim to pull in yet more victims.
Fake video links aim to pull in yet more victims. The never-ending stream of 'Storm' attacks continued over the weekend with a new tactic - the latest spammed email campaign…

Monster haul of data reaped from job site

Trojan gathers 1.6 million sets of jobseeker records.
Trojan gathers 1.6 million sets of jobseeker records. Researchers at Symantec have reported discovering a server carrying 1.6 million entries from the popular jobseeking website…

Phish poses as Sophos malware alert

Fake security alarm lures users to spoofed site.
Fake security alarm lures users to spoofed site. A phishing email recently spammed out uses the name of security firm Sophos to lend credence to a fake malware alert, designed to…

Storm e-card malware keeps on coming

No end to flood of fake friendly greetings.
No end to flood of fake friendly greetings. A further wave of e-cards carrying links to 'Storm' malware (various labelled Nuwar, Peacomm, Dorf, Zhelatin) has been hitting inboxes…

57% of spam scam sites hosted in US

Study investigates sites and servers linked to from spam.
Study investigates sites and servers linked to from spam. A detailed investigation into the distribution and usage of webservers to host the various 'scams' pushed by spam…

Pharmacy spammer gets 30 years

'Rizler' convicted on drugs, conspiracy and money laundering charges.
'Rizler' convicted on drugs, conspiracy and money laundering charges. Notorious pharmaceuticals spammer Christopher 'Rizler' Smith was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment last week,…

Major pump-and-dump campaign floods inboxes

Heavy stock scam barrage ups spam levels 30%.
Heavy stock scam barrage ups spam levels 30%. A major PDF pump-and-dump campaign has been reported, with massive numbers of mails spammed out. According to spam watchers at Sophos,…

Spreadsheets latest spam message carriers

XLS files follow PDFs as junk email ad vector.
XLS files follow PDFs as junk email ad vector. After the image spam deluge and the recent wave of spams carrying their messages in PDF files, the latest trend seems to be…

Study promotes challenge-response for anti-spam

Interactive system rated best blocker in questioned survey.
Interactive system rated best blocker in questioned survey. A study of anti-spam systems, using a bespoke scale to rate protection offered, has found the challenge-response method…

26 phishing arrests in Italy

Police swoop on Poste Italiane spam scam gangs.
Police swoop on Poste Italiane spam scam gangs. In a first for Italy, the Guardia Di Finanza has made 26 arrests from two separate groups of phishing fraudsters, in the culmination…

Japan to tighten spam laws

Proposals to further restrict email and phone spamming.
Proposals to further restrict email and phone spamming. The Japanese Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry is planning a series of improvements to current anti-spam…

SEC brings case against pump-and-dump spammers

Scam spotted after spammed mail sent to SEC lawyer.
Scam spotted after spammed mail sent to SEC lawyer. Two men from Texas have been charged with a range of spam and fraud offences after a 20-month campaign using botnets to spam…

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