More VB2018 partners announced

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Jul 11, 2018

The Virus Bulletin Conference has always been about bringing the security community together, and in this spirit, this year we are referring to the organizations that support VB2018 as our event 'partners' rather than 'sponsors'.

Earlier in the year, we announced Platinum partners adaware, Comodo, ESET and Tencent, Silver partner Reason Software, and 'Getting Connected' partner Secudit. Today, we are pleased to announce several more.

Both Kaspersky Lab and Talos, Cisco's threat intelligence group, are Gold partners, while G Data and Qihoo 360 are Silver partners.



Malwarebytes is the 'Evening Networking' partner, thus playing an important part in the VB2018 networking event that takes place on Wednesday evening.

Meanwhile, both CSA and SE Labs are supporting organizations.




It's not too late you make your own company visible among security peers – a few partnership opportunities remain (available on a first come, first served basis). It's worth noting that some of the partnership packages come with a number of free tickets for the conference. Contact us for more information!



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