Throwback Thursday: The First International Virus Bulletin Conference

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Sep 24, 2015

This Throwback Thursday, we turn the clock back to October 1991 to take a look back at the first ever VB Conference: VB'91 in Jersey.

With VB2015, the 25th Virus Bulletin International Conference, just days away, we decided to take a look back at the first ever VB Conference: VB'91 in Jersey.

Next week, we expect somewhere in the region of 470 delegates from some 44 different countries to descend on the city of Prague for the 25th Virus Bulletin Conference. Back in 1991, it was a more modest 150 delegates and 20 speakers from four continents that descended on the Hotel de France in Jersey — modest, but a respectable turnout for the inaugural event.

The VB2015 programme includes two keynotes, seven 'Small Talks' and 51 regular presentations on a wide range of security topics, from drones to elephants. In 1991, the programme was a more compact affair, covering a range of important topics including:

  • Corporate anti-virus strategy
  • Cryptographic checksumming
  • Virus infection statistics
  • Economics of virus protection
  • The Bulgarian 'virus factory'
  • MS-DOS anti-virus tools and techniques
  • The Macintosh virus problem
  • And more

VB's then editor Ed Wilding provided a full round-up of the event, looking at the themes, the presentations, the discussions and even the Donald Duck impersonations.

Ed Wilding's report can be read here in HTML-format, or downloaded here as a PDF.

Posted on 24 September 2015 by Helen Martin



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