
Spammers using Google open redirect

Vulnerability 'not worthy of bug bounty program'.

15 December 2011

Compromised websites used to mine bitcoins

In-the-browser botnet turns victims' CPU cycles into cash for the attackers.

13 December 2011

'Nitro attacks' continue

PoisonIvy trojan sent attached to email warning about the same trojan.

13 December 2011

December issue of VB published

The December issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

5 December 2011

Recently discovered Java vulnerability being added to exploit kit

Kit 'patched' to include latest exploit; users urged to patch their software too.

28 November 2011

SMS trojan targets Android users in eight western countries

Will another piece of mobile malware convince Google manager of the seriousness of the threat?

25 November 2011

Latest VBSpam certification results published

Latest VBSpam results published - full report now also available.

21 November 2011

IETF expedites publication of RFC describing feedback loop recommendations

Document fast-tracked to be published shortly before the sad passing of its author J.D. Falk.

17 November 2011

South Korea to ask ISPs to block port 25 traffic

Experts sceptical about long-term effects on spam levels.

15 November 2011

Most free Android anti-virus 'useless', find testers

AV-Test comparative sees minimal value in free mobile protection.

11 November 2011

'Largest takedown ever' sees six arrested

Millions made through 'DNSChanger' malware.

10 November 2011

Significant rise in Chinese phishing sites

Phishers shown to care little about domain names.

10 November 2011

Support scammers up their game

Websites and Facebook accounts created to make callers appear more legitimate.

09 November 2011

DNS poisoning attack targeting Brazilian customers

ISP employee suspected of changing DNS cache.

07 November 2011

November issue of VB published

The November issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

3 November 2011

'Meta-phish' uses attached form to evade web filters

Landing page contains clear warning.

21 October 2011

'Son of Stuxnet' trojan found

'Duqu' used in targeted attacks to steal specific information.

19 October 2011

Dutch ISP sues Spamhaus for 'extortion'

Blacklist entries 'unfair and illegal'.

13 October 2011

Google AdWords phishing campaign spreads

Users urged to login because of 'issues'.

13 October 2011

Mac trojan is VMware-aware

Malicious execution stopped when virtual environment is detected.

12 October 2011

Government trojan found on German computers

Four states admit the use of spyware.

11 October 2011

VB conference hashtag used to spread malware

Tweet promising conference news links to trojan.

11 October 2011

October issue of VB published

The October issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

30 September 2011 hacked, serving malware

Root access to site offered on black market.

27 September 2011

E-marketing companies compromised to send spam

Fake order confirmations contain malicious links.

27 September 2011

Alureon trojan uses steganography to receive commands

Messages hidden inside images create extra layer of redundancy.

26 September 2011

Attack targets government agencies in CIS countries

Trojans used to steal specific files.

26 September 2011

New RFC grants DKIM improved status

Email signing method now 'Draft Standard'.

23 September 2011

Malicious spam campaigns leave experts puzzled

Increase in malware in spam has not led to increase in malicious activity.

21 September 2011

Trojan steals money from bank accounts via 'training session'

Social engineering circumvents banking security

21 September 2011

Diginotar declared bankrupt

Browsers and operating systems had already revoked trust in Dutch CA.

20 September 2011

Bank's Twitter account hacked to send phishing messages

Important lessons for companies engaging in social media.

20 September 2011

Confirmed newsletter subscriptions half as likely to be blocked

Good practice means good performance.

19 September 2011

Windows Help Files used in targeted attacks

Files with code-executing properties attached to emails.

15 September 2011

Latest VBSpam certification results published

Latest VBSpam results published - full report now also available.

14 September 2011

Iranians spied on using rogue DigiNotar certificates

Fake certificates signed for CIA, Mossad, Google, Facebook.

05 September 2011

September issue of VB published

The September issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

01 September 2011

Researchers find email used in RSA hack

Email with malicious attachment uploaded to online scanning service

26 August 2011

Explosive growth of malicious spam

Spam filters less likely to block current malware campaigns.

17 August 2011

Spam sent via fake out-of-office messages

'Sick leave' message followed by weight loss spam.

11 August 2011

Fake codec trojan disables anti-virus software

Victim tricked into believing security software still active.

05 August 2011

Banking malware tells user to 'refund' money

Web injection used to suggest accidental transfer.

03 August 2011

August issue of VB published

The August issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

01 August 2011 unveils latest certifications

Q2 test results covering 22 products released.

20 July 2011

Rogue Twitter application steals passwords

'See who stalks my Twitter' used to lure users.

19 July 2011

Hotmail beefs up security with stricter password policy

'My friend has been spammed' button also welcomed by experts.

18 July 2011

Trojan uses remote user account to control compromised machine

Malware targets customers of Brazilian banks.

18 July 2011

Latest VBSpam certification results published

Latest VBSpam results published - full report now also available.

14 July 2011

Zitmo trojan for Android defeats two-factor authentication

Malware intercepts TANs sent via SMS.

11 July 2011

Google delists all domains from its index

Large fraction of sites deemed 'spammy or low-quality'.

04 July 2011

July issue of VB published

The July issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

01 July 2011

Spammers using social network templates

Templates from social networking sites used to make messages appear legitimate.

30 June 2011

International co-operation leads to scareware arrests

ChronoPay co-founder arrested for DDoS attacks on rivals.

27 June 2011

VB100 for Windows Server 2008 results published

Latest VB100 results published - full report now also available.

22 June 2011

Outlook spam phishes for SMTP credentials

Login details would give spammers access to legitimate mail servers.

20 June 2011

DroidKungFu command and control server may be mobile device

Android trojan makes use of root exploit.

20 June 2011

Exploit kit targets customers of air travel websites

SpyEye configuration intercepts personal data submitted to legitimate websites.

17 June 2011

Botnet rented for online extortion

Man who threatened World Cup bookmakers with DDoS attack convicted.

16 June 2011

US court: passwords reasonable security for online banking

Security question considered second authentication factor.

10 June 2011

Sophos red flags Google Analytics

Popular analytics tool mistakenly flagged as 'high risk'.

10 June 2011

Malicious PHP script hides bad stuff inside 'white-space'

Spaces and tabs used to encode into binary.

09 June 2011

Banking malware hosted on Amazon's cloud servers

Trojan targets mostly Brazilian banks.

06 June 2011

Facebook scam serving malware

Attack targeting Windows and Mac users in US and UK.

01 June 2011

June issue of VB published

The June issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

01 June 2011

95% of spam monetized through three banks

Financial infrastructure possible bottleneck for spammers.

25 May 2011

Spammers use unicode trick to manipulate file names

Windows executable appears to be Word document.

16 May 2011

Zeus source code leaked

Banking trojan among the most advanced of its kind.

10 May 2011

Canada new hotbed for cybercriminal activity

Country's IP addresses less likely to be scrutinized.

10 May 2011

Smile, you're on a botnet!

Multi-platform Java botnet allows for remote control of webcam and microphone.

9 May 2011

May issue of VB published

The May issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

04 May 2011

VB announces Virus Bulletin for Kindle

VB joins the e-book generation.

20 April 2011

Scammers take advantage of Epsilon data breach

Trojan hidden as security tool for affected customers.

18 April 2011

First AV-Test certifications of 2011 published

22 products scored on multiple scales in quarterly test report.

15 April 2011

Department of Justice shuts down Coreflood botnet

'Stop' command sent from replaced command and control servers.

15 April 2011

Adobe releases emergency update for Flash Player

Zero-day exploit actively being abused.

14 April 2011

AV-Comparatives unveils latest on-demand results

20 products rated in large-scale detection tests.

12 April 2011

Ransom trojan demands Windows re-activation

Criminals make money through calls to supposedly free phone number.

12 April 2011

April issue of VB published

The April issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

08 April 2011

Major email service provider suffers data breach

Financial institutions among affected customers.

05 April 2011

RSA gives insight into anatomy of attack on its systems

Publicly available information used to spear phish employees.

05 April 2011

Keylogger on Samsung laptops proves to be false alarm

AV product wrongly flags malware based on existence of directory.

31 March 2011

South Korea proposes to make security software mandatory

Law enables government to search PCs of those who do not comply.

30 March 2011

Rogue SSL certificates issued for popular websites

Certificates revoked, but browsers still need to be updated.

24 March 2011

Cutwail botnet sent 1.7 trillion spam messages

Operators made several million through botnet.

18 March 2011

Spam levels take a nose dive as Rustock apparently taken down - update

Eerie silence from Rustock botnet. Microsoft reported to have co-ordinated take down.

17 March 2011

Increase in use of mobile anti-malware protection

Poll shows smartphone users more likely to use anti-malware protection on their phones than three years ago.

16 March 2011

Taking Brain home

Short film features Mikko Hyppönen returning first PC virus to its birthplace.

14 March 2011

Tsunami response quick among cybercriminals

Miscreants releasing scams, phishing, scareware... within a matter of hours.

11 March 2011

Cybercriminals frustrated with botnet trackers

Drastic measures discussed by users of online forum.

10 March 2011

ENISA calls for revised botnet measurements

EU agency says current measures of botnet threat are misleading.

09 March 2011

Spammers exploit internationalized domain names

Non-Latin characters in URLs used to trick filters.

03 March 2011

Google acquires Zynamics

Internet giant buys into security.

02 March 2011

March issue of VB published

The March issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

01 March 2011

Welsh 419 scam

Email from Welsh-speaking Kuwaiti widow indicative of more targeted spam.

23 February 2011

Dutch most protected Europeans online

Bulgarians most likely to have become infected; financial losses most prevalent among Latvians.

09 February 2011

February issue of VB published

The February issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

04 February 2011

Mrs Mubarak's IP addresses used by spammers

Spammers finding new ways to obtain non-blacklisted addresses.

01 February 2011

UK government sites warned to brace against attack

GovCertUK issues warning in aftermath of arrests of Anonymous gang members.

28 January 2011

Phishing for different markets

Scam emails trying to steal CO2 emission credits and World-of-Warcraft accounts.

21 January 2011

'Job application' contains malicious attachment

$150,000 lost via banking trojan.

21 January 2011

All change at the top for ESET

VB regulars Richard Marko and Andrew Lee appointed to top management roles.

14 January 2011

January issue of VB published

The January issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

11 January 2011

New peer-to-peer botnet discovered

New botnet shares fast flux DNS and other similarities with Storm and Waledac.

04 January 2011


Latest posts:

VBSpam tests to be executed under the AMTSO framework

VB is excited to announce that, starting from the Q3 test, all VBSpam tests of email security products will be executed under the AMTSO framework.

In memoriam: Prof. Ross Anderson

We were very sorry to learn of the passing of Professor Ross Anderson a few days ago.

In memoriam: Dr Alan Solomon

We were very sorry to learn of the passing of industry pioneer Dr Alan Solomon earlier this week.

New paper: Nexus Android banking botnet – compromising C&C panels and dissecting mobile AppInjects

In a new paper, researchers Aditya K Sood and Rohit Bansal provide details of a security vulnerability in the Nexus Android botnet C&C panel that was exploited in order to gather threat intelligence, and present a model of mobile AppInjects.

New paper: Collector-stealer: a Russian origin credential and information extractor

In a new paper, F5 researchers Aditya K Sood and Rohit Chaturvedi present a 360 analysis of Collector-stealer, a Russian-origin credential and information extractor.

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