Latest VBSpam certification results published

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 21, 2011

Latest VBSpam results published - full report now also available.

The results of the November VBSpam comparative review have been announced, with more distinction showing between products' performance than in previous tests.

The November 2011 VBSpam test saw 24 products on the test bench: 22 full solutions and two blacklists. Although all full solutions achieved a VBSpam award, there was considerably more distinction between the products' performance than in recent tests, with several experiencing difficulties with filtering legitimate email. A couple of products only just reached the certification threshold.

The basic results can now be viewed (free of charge) here.

The VBSpam chart, shown below, gives an at-a-glance comparison of product performances, plotting spam catch (SC) rate against false positive (FP) rate. The better performing products appear in the top right-hand corner of the chart, with the highest SC rate and lowest FP rate. This month's results saw a thinning out of the cluster of products in the top right-hand corner as several experienced higher false positive rates than in recent tests:

The full test report - which includes detailed descriptions of each product's performance as well as tables and charts - is available for non-subscribers to purchase as a standalone article ($19.95). Non-subscribers click here to purchase the report.

Alternatively, a 12-month subscription to VB100/VBSpam comparatives only (comprising six VB100 and six VBSpam comparative reviews) can be purchased. (Tests that are more than six months old remain available free of charge to registered users.) Click here for more information.

For full Virus Bulletin subscribers the test report is available here to browse online or to download in PDF or PRC (Kindle) format.

Posted on 21 November 2011 by Virus Bulletin



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