
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

Beyond Virtu(e) and evil

While not technically a new virus (being modelled on the almost ancient Tenrobot family), W32/Virtu does introduce some interesting changes and new techniques. Víctor Álvarez and Mario Ballano describe this polymorphic file infector that also behaves…

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Magical lights shine on you

'The use of trojans to gather evidence has previously been proposed by law enforcers in Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark and the USA ... However, there is something of an obstacle for all magic lantern projects: the anti-malware industry has the…

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VB comparative review: Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10

In this month's VB100 test we put 16 AV products through their paces on SUSE Linux. John Hawes has the details of how each of them fared.

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(In)justice in the digital age

The recent Julie Amero court case has raised a number of concerns regarding computer security, investigation and liability. Who is responsible when a person uses a computer that is infected with malicious software? Can the user be liable even when…

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Wormhole attacks Solaris station

The Wanuk worm, written for the Solaris platform, was unusual in that its author paid a lot of attention to detail with his creation, and even included error checks at each step - however, at least one bug slipped through. Costin Ionescu has the full…

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Testing times ahead?

Richard Ford (Florida Institute of Technology)

What lies ahead for anti-virus testing programmes with the introduction of new protection schemes that move away from scanner-based detection? Richard Ford and Attila Ondi look to the future of AV testing.

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An African A-F-F-air...

Martin Overton revisits the topic of 419 scams, cataloguing some of the changes seen over the last few years.

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Hidan and dangerous

The latest edition to the W32/Chiton family is a malicious plug-in for one of the most popular tools of the anti-malware trade: the IDA disassembler and debugger. Peter Ferrie provides the details.

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Peerbot: catch me if you can

In early 2007, Trojan.Peacomm (a.k.a. the ‘Storm trojan’) demonstrated that legitimate P2P protocols can be used effectively to coordinate virus networks. Elia Florio and Mircea Ciubotariu explain how.

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Real-world testing of email anti-virus solutions

Testing security products can be a complex task - especially validating the effectiveness of technology against threats that evolve at an extremely rapid rate. Adam O'Donnell consdiers the current state of anti-virus testing.

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