
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

Malware storms: a global climate change

Andrew Lee (ESET)
Pierre-Marc Bureau (ESET)

Pierre-Marc Bureau and Andrew Lee examine the evolution of W32/Nuwar, the 'Storm worm', from its rather humble beginnings as a minor malware threat into one of the most bleeding-edge malware technologies currently affecting systems across the globe.

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Spam from the kernel

Trojan.Srizbi is the first example seen in the wild of a complex piece of malware that operates fully from kernel mode. Kimmo Kasslin and Elia Florio provide a detailed analysis.

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Application whitelisting

'Whitelisting is currently nothing more than (admittedly careful and extensive) inverted blacklisting by AV software.' Gabor Szappanos, VirusBuster.

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Boosting email anti-spam filters using an ensemble of SVM classifiers

Ángela Blanco and Manuel Martín-Merino describe how anti-spam filters can be boosted by using an ensemble of SVM classifiers.

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Gateway scanning is not enough!

'Why is the number of malicious attachments decreasing - and why shouldn't I be happy about it?' Paul Dickens, Institute of Physics Publishing.

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VB comparative review: Novell NetWare 6.5

John Hawes puts 10 anti-malware products through their paces on Novell NetWare 6.5.

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Exepacker blacklisting

The blacklisting of exepackers by AV products is a controversial subject with opinions among the AV community varying widely. Gabor Szappanos takes a balanced view and discusses the pros and cons of exepacker detection.

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The need for an in-house SMTP honeypot

By blocking port 25 at the firewall, an organization can prevent a mass-mailer from spreading. However, by blindly blocking outgoing SMTP traffic, valuable data is lost on threats that use port 25. Vinoo Thomas and Nitin Jyoti discuss the benefits of…

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OpenOffice security and viral risk – part two

In the conclusion of his two-part article presenting an up-to-date evaluation of the security of OpenOffice, Eric Filiol looks at security issues in OpenOffice integrity management and draws conclusions about the overall security of OpenOffice.

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Oh, Vienna!

Helen Martin reports on three packed days of presentations, networking, a little bit of gambling and a lot of fun at VB2007 in Vienna.

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