
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

VB2014 paper: Using DMARC to improve your email reputation

Terry Zink (Microsoft)

In 2012, the world of email filtering created a new tool to combat spam and phishing: DMARC - a technology that is designed to prevent spammers from forging the sender. DMARC has its upsides, but it also has some drawbacks. In his VB2014 paper, Terry…

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Invading the core: iWorm's infection vector and persistence mechanism

Patrick Wardle (Synack)

iWorm is a recently discovered OS X backdoor that affords an attacker complete control of an infected host. In this paper, Patrick Wardle builds upon the latest analyses, and provides a comprehensive technical analysis of iWorm's infection vector and…

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VB2014 paper: Hiding the network behind the network. Botnet proxy business model

Alexandru Maximciuc (Bitdefender)
Cristina Vatamanu (Bitdefender)
Razvan Benchea (Bitdefender)

Since hiding a C&C means that a botnet will remain running for longer, specialized hosting services that are able to hide a server behind many proxies have appeared. In their VB2014 paper, Alexandru Maximciuc, Cristina Vatamanu and Razvan Benchea…

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VB2014 paper: Methods of malware persistence on Mac OS X

Patrick Wardle (Synack)

As Mac OS X continues to increase in popularity, OS X malware is becoming more common than ever. In his VB2014 paper, Patrick Wardle presents a detailed analysis of Apple’s anti-malware mechanisms (revealing several significant weaknesses), before…

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VB2014 paper: Exposing Android white collar criminals

Luis Corrons (Panda Security)

One of the main ways for cybercriminals to make money easily with the use of malware is through SMS premium services – using trojans to turn mobile devices into slot machines and causing victims' monthly phone bills to skyrocket. In his VB2014 paper,…

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VB2014 paper: The evolution of webinjects

Jean-Ian Boutin (ESET)

In his VB2014 conference paper, Jean-Ian Boutin looks at the current webinject scene and how it has evolved over time, going from simple phishing-like functionalities to automatic transfer system (ATS) and two-factor authentication bypass, along with…

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VB2014 paper: DNSSEC: how far have we come?

Nick Sullivan (CloudFlare)

In his VB2014 conference paper, Nick Sullivan explains what DNSSEC does and doesn't do to make DNS responses more trustworthy.

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The Hulk

Raul Alvarez takes a close look at cavity file infector W32/Huhk, which - thanks to its infection criteria - only infects a handful of executable files, thus unintentionally creating a stealth technique.

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Prosecting the Citadel botnet - revealing the dominance of the Zeus descendent: part two

Citadel is a sophisticated descendent of the Zeus botnet. In this two-part article, Aditya Sood and Rohit Bansal provide insight into the bot's design components, including its system infection and data exfiltration tactics. In this, the second part…

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Prosecting the Citadel botnet - revealing the dominance of the Zeus descendent: part one

Citadel is a sophisticated descendent of the Zeus botnet. In this two-part article, Aditya Sood and Rohit Bansal provide insight into the bot's design components, including its system infection and data exfiltration tactics.

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