
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

Custom packer defeats multiple automation systems

Malware authors are constantly working on new ways to defeat automation systems, for example by packing their samples in order to increase the length of time it takes for their malware to be detected. Ke Zhang recently came across a custom packer…

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Throwback Thursday: Safe Hex in the 21st Century: Part 2 (July 2000)

Even in July 2000, Martin Overton feared that if we didn't break out of the ‘virus-scanner-is-king’ mindset, we would be doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes forever. He put forward some suggestions for dealing with the then-current malware…

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Not a GAMe maKER

Gamker is an information-stealing trojan which uses simple decryption, then drops a copy of itself using a random filename and injects itself into a different process. Raul Alvarez looks into its code injection routine and at the twists in its…

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Throwback Thursday: The Virus Analyst Headache (April 1999)

Eugene Kaspersky describes the headache facing the virus analyst of 1999.

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Life after the apocalypse for the Middle Eastern NJRat campaign

Nearly a year after the Microsoft takedown of Vitalwerks’ dynamic DNS service No-IP, the NJRat malware campaign has re-spawned and has started making its way back to No-IP’s DDNS domains. This time, however, the malware authors are more cautious and…

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Throwback Thursday: IT Security Breaches: The 1994 NCC Survey (November 1994)

Shortly after the publication of the 1994 NCC survey on breaches of IT security, Chris Hook asked: what is the nature of the real virus problem, and how much does it cost?

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Hype heuristics, signatures and the death of AV (again)

Ever since the emergence of anti-virus products a few decades ago, they have been criticised by others in the security industry for overstating the virus (or malware) problem, and for failing to provide ample protection. Industry veteran David Harley…

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Throwback Thursday: Palm Breach (July 2000)

In the 1980s, no one left home without their Filofax. In 2000, no one left home without their Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), the functionality of which was moving rapidly towards that of a desktop computer combined with a cellular phone. Eric…

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Throwback Thursday: Riotous Assembly (January 1994)

In 1994, Cyber Riot was the first virus to full advantage of the additional functionality provided by Windows. VB asked: what are the implications?

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Throwback Thursday: Sizewell B: Fact or Fiction? (December 1993)

Was the outbreak of the Yankee virus at Nuclear Electric’s newest UK reactor site, Sizewell B, a real threat, or nothing more than media hype?

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