
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

New malware distribution methods threaten signature-based AV

In this article, we identify two new malware distribution methods: short-span attacks and serial variant attacks. We describe their particular distribution patterns, the development of recent attacks, and the potential dangers they present.

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Symbian OS - mysterious playground for new malware

In the last year or two, an increasing number of Symbian threats have been reported. While there are not yet many malware writers who are interested in the Symbian OS, this may soon change. Robert Wang asks: is the Symbian OS in danger of further…

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Code emulation in network intrusion detection/prevention systems

Aleksander Czarnowski (AVET Information and Network Security)

In this article Aleksander Czarnowski looks into one of the problems in detecting attacks for new vulnerabilities: code emulation.

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VB Comparative: Netware 6.5 - August 2005

Matt Ham finds NetWare 6.5 to be significantly more tolerable than previous versions of the operating system. Find out whether the products for NetWare show similar improvement.

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Deconstructing Windows Mobile

Not satisfied by the answers provided by a Microsoft representative in last month's interview about security issues surrounding the Windows Mobile platform, Michael Moser takes matters into his own hands and delves a little deeper.

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Evolution from a honeypot to a distributed honey net

For increased intrusion detection efficiency, more and more honeypots must be set up in different locations, especially in different subnets. Usually this requires a large amount of administration effort, involving fine-tuning each of the honeypots'…

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The Microsoft Windows CE platform

Since there is a lot of confusion over what, exactly, encompasses the Microsoft Windows Mobile platform, VB’s Technical Editor Morton Swimmer has provided the following brief run-down of the variations of the system.

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The future's bright for (ex-)virus writers

Costin Raiu (Kaspersky Lab)

Sasser author Sven Jaschan walked away free from a German court last month after receiving a 21-month suspended sentence for his crimes. With a job offer already in the bag, his future could be rosy. Costin Raiu looks at the fate of Jaschan and other…

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The ideal tools of an ideal virus lab

Each profession has its own set of tools, and whenever there is an improvement in those tools, the work of that profession becomes more efficient. Every company in the anti-virus industry has its own confidential technology for studying malicious and…

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Got [Mac]root

No doubt to the surprise of some in the Macintosh community, the MacOS X platform has a rootkit. Peter Ferrie provides all the details of OSX/Weapox.

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