
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

Never mind having fun: are we safe yet?

David Harley (ESET)

David Harley reviews Michael Miller's 'Is it safe?' and finds a book that’s largely accurate and well written - a relative rarity for a book on computer security.

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Phishing rises as spam takes a dip

MessageLabs report shows an increase in phishing and a slight drop in spam levels.

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VB100 February 2009 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2

This month sees the VB100's annual visit to the Linux platform, as well as the introduction of a brand new set of tests that will provide deeper insight into products' ability to keep up with the flood of new malware as well as their proactive…

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Dismissed employee pleads not guilty to planting malware

Contractor accused of leaving malicious script as parting gift to US mortgage firm Fanny Mae.

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Google confesses to human error

Search engine giant apologises for temporarily labelling every site a danger.

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It’s time for a change

James Wolfe calls for more scientific research, innovation and a change in the methodologies used in the fight against malware.

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Anti-spam testing: frequently given answers

Martijn Grooten (Virus Bulletin)

Martijn Grooten answers some of the common queries raised by vendors about the proposed test set-up for VB's upcoming anti-spam comparative testing.

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First offender punished under New Zealand anti-spam law

Spammer faces NZD 100,000 fine.

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Surveillance chief and AV firm accused of corruption

Rumblings of shady deals, bribery and underhand tactics in Chinese AV market.

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Hacker in demand

Romanian hacker impresses Italian authorities with intellect.

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