
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

‘Holey’ virus, Batman!

Last year the W32/Deelae family showed that a table that has been overlooked for more than a decade can be redirected to run code in an unexpected manner. Now, a table that was used in Windows on the Itanium platform also exists on the x64 platform,…

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Hearing a PIN drop

While there is plenty of research on password use and re-use, there is virtually no equivalent research concerning purely numerical passcodes such as PINs. David Harley takes a look at some of the most common four-digit combinations used and the…

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Qakbot: a disaster waiting to happen

Qakbot’s ability to propagate via network shares is enough to cripple an entire network. Add to that the ability to compromise websites and you have a recipe for a highly successful malware attack. Jessa Dela Torre discusses the different ways in…

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Stux in a rut: why Stuxnet is boring

John Aycock takes the controversial view that Stuxnet is really not that interesting at all. He outlines what makes a piece of malware a game‑changer and explains why last year’s headline hitter is not worth writing home about.

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Should there be an AV industry code of ethics?

‘“Doing good for all is good for business” – helping others protect their users makes all of us stronger.’ Alex Eckelberry, GFI Software

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Facebook bounty hunters paid

Facebook introduces bug bounty, pays out $40,000 in first month.

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Drop in cyber attacks

Cybersecurity top concern for businesses despite small drop in cyber attacks.

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Relock-based vulnerability in Windows 7

Through analysis of an old piece of malware, researchers at the University of Verona have found unexpected vulnerabilities in Windows 7 and have demonstrated that with some slight tweaks, W32/Relock will run smoothly on the latest OS.

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SpyEye bot – aggressive exploitation tactics

As a follow-up to their article on the SpyEye malware infection framework, Aditya Sood and colleagues discuss the SpyEye bot and the tactics it uses for stealing information from victim machines.

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IPv6 mail server whitelist declaring war on botnets

Thanks to the introduction of IPv6, spammers will have access to a much larger pool of unique IP addresses, making it almost impossible for anti-spam companies to maintain useful blacklists. The ‘IPv6whitelist.eu’ was founded to try to solve this…

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