
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

Quick reference for manual unpacking II

By packing their malicious executables, malware authors can be sure that when they are opened in a disassembler they will not show the correct sequence of instructions, thus making malware analysis a more lengthy and difficult process. Continuing on…

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Largest international carding crimes operation: 26 arrests

US Justice Dept. releases details of two-year operation involving undercover carding forum.

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Hotel group fined

FTC says data breaches occurred as a result of group failing to maintain reasonable security on its networks.

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VB welcomes

VB welcomes newest member of the team.

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Malware design strategies for circumventing detection and prevention controls – part two

Aditya Sood and Richard Enbody discuss some of the different techniques that are used by present-day malware to circumvent protection mechanisms.

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Andromeda botnet

Neo Tan (Fortinet)

The Andromeda botnet recruits its bots thanks to four key elements - compromised websites, an exploit kit, a downloader and a mailing engine - linked by four sequential phases. Neo Tan takes a closer look.

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EICAR 2012

Eddy Willems presents a roundup of this year's EICAR conference in Portugal.

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Understanding the domains involved in malicious activity on Facebook

Recent years have been marked by an explosive growth of social networks, with Facebook becoming one of the most attractive channels for cybercriminal activity. Alin Damian analyses some of the malicious domains extracted from Facebook applications…

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So, enter stage right

Some virus writers try to find obscure side effects of instructions in an attempt to confuse virus analysts. Sometimes they succeed, and sometimes we already know about the side effects. The latter is the case with the technique used in the…

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Automatically detecting spam at the cloud level using text fingerprints

With content-based anti-spam technologies decreasing in efficiency, Marius Tibeica and Adrian Toma propose a fingerprinting algorithm that maps similar text inputs to similar signatures.

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