
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

Greetz from academe: Ringing in the new

In the latest of his ‘Greetz from Academe’ series, highlighting some of the work going on in academic circles, John Aycock focuses on computer science surveys, looking in particular at one on binary code obfuscations in packer tools.

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Mariposa writer sentenced

Author of malware behind one of the world's largest botnets receives prison sentence.

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Warning wording analysed

Researchers study the psychology of malware warnings.

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Intel to remove McAfee

Rebranding will see McAfee name dropped from security products.

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Medfos - an all-purpose redirector: Appendix

Neo Tan (Fortinet)

Appendix to Medfos - an all-purpose redirectot

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EICAR 2013: Data protection <> data security?

Eddy Willems presents a round up of the 22nd EICAR Conference, held in Hannover last month.

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Hands in the cookie JAR

Viruses for Java are relatively rare, and parasitic viruses for Java are even rarer. The Java/Handjar virus infects Java applications by placing its virus code inside a JAR file and including a reference to the virus class file. Peter Ferrie has the…

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Fake KakaoTalk security plug-in

The Android/FakeKakao trojan monitors incoming and outgoing SMS messages, sends SMS spam and gathers sensitive information as well as incorporating anti-debugging and anti-emulator tricks and disabling some security software. Zhe Li and Dong Xie take…

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Onkod: a downloader and its 'downloadee'

Downloaders are usually small and simple files whose goal is purely to download the ‘main course’ of a malware infection. The downloaded file (or ‘downloadee’) invariably has more features and functionalities than the downloader. Raul Alvarez looks…

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Surveillance and servility: is the AV industry a puppet of statecraft?

Samir Mody (K7 Computing)

‘Surveillance has been an instrument of statecraft for millennia.' Samir Mody, K7 Computing

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