
An indispensable source of reference for anyone concerned with computer security, the Bulletin is the forum through which leading security researchers publish the latest security research and information in a bid to share knowledge with the security community. Publications cover the latest threats, new developments and techniques in the security landscape, opinions from respected members of the industry, and more. The Bulletin archives offer informative articles going back to 1989. Our editorial team is happy to hear from anyone interested in submitting a paper for publication.

Proxies for the underworld: I-Worm.Locksky.AS

The Locksky email worm first appeared in October 2005. Its aim is to install proxies on victims' machines, which can then be sold. Ferenc Laszlo Nagy has the details.

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Solving the metamorphic puzzle

Metamorphic viruses have posed a challenge for the anti-virus industry for quite some time. This article focuses on a number of metamorphic techniques and highlights different methods for detecting them.

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Improving proactive detection of packed malware

Dynamic translation is a technique that can be used instead of emulation for decrypting complex malware. Adrian Stepan describes how the technique can also be used to perform generic unpacking.

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Changes to the VB test sets

VB's product reviewer Matt Ham describes some changes to the test sets used for VB's comparative reviews.

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How can a web filter add proactive security?

Steen Pedersen explains how the perimeter defence layer can be enhanced with the use of a web filter.

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Fighting spam with data compression models

Andrej Bratko describes a spam filtering technique that treats email as a sequence of characters, rather than a collection of words.

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Inside the Windows Meta File format

The Windows Meta File (WMF) format has received a lot of attention over recent weeks. Peter Ferrie looks at why.

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What threats may come

'A serious threat in 2006 will be multi-stage, targeted phishing attacks.' Tomer Honen, Aladdin Knowledge Systems.

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VB Comparative: Windows NT 4 Workstation - February 2006

Matt Ham fully expected a bumper harvest of VB 100% awards this month, simply due to the familiarity of the Windows NT platform to the developers.

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Learning from Sony: an external perspective

Dan Kaminsky takes a long hard look at the reaction (or lack thereof) of the AV industry to the Sony rootkit incident and assesses the consequences.

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