Trend Micro, Philippines
Copyright © 2004 Virus Bulletin
(This article was first published in Virus Bulletin, January 2004.)
Another year has come to its end and the malware battle still rages on. It seems to be a never-ending uphill struggle to secure digital information.
By now most enterprises will at least have some form of sentinel guarding their interests, but is it enough? Even as content management solutions that include improved anti-virus, firewall, or other security innovations are developed, the malware landscape continues to evolve. With corporate spending budgets the focus of attention, the question is: how do system administrators forecast their defensive position and provide data to upper management?
Data is usually subjective in terms of the geographic location and period of time over which the information is gathered. Statistical data for a given period will not indicate the development direction that virus writers are taking. Forecasts or predictions should also be based on the outbreaks seen worldwide, along with analysis of the specific details of each outbreak.
Looking at the raw data collected by Trend Micro for the busiest months in a three-year period from 2001 to 2003, it can be seen that the number and type of outbreaks observed from 2001 through to 2003 are relatively similar.
Figure 1: Malware distribution (source:
Mass-mailing worms are here to stay as the current malware of choice. The standard use of mass-mailing capabilities is the effect of a more inter-connected digital world as well as virus writers having discovered a way to propagate their malicious creations further and faster by wholly depending upon users' bandwidth.
Further scrutiny of the data shows that outbreaks caused by script and macro viruses dropped lower into the charts at the onset of 2002 and had virtually disappeared by 2003. A similar snapshot of data from the Virus Bulletin virus prevalence tables over the same time period shows the percentage of the different basic types of malware in the Wild (ItW).
Figure 2: Malware distribution (source:
Observations from Trend Micro's month-to-month comparison of malware-type distribution for the year 2003 show that, on average, scripts, binary executables, and macro viruses account for 16%, 70%, and 14% of malware respectively. It appears that infection growth levels of the basic malware types have stayed more or less the same during 2003. Over approximately the same month-to-month period, the Virus Bulletin prevalence data shows a more pronounced differentiation, but more or less matches the rise and fall pattern.
Figure 3: Malware type distribution in 2003.
More information can be gleaned by sifting through the malware types of script, binary, and macro data separately. It is notable that batch file and mIRC script statistics almost match one-for-one owing to malware that attempted to stay resident on the system by cross-dropping its installations. The number and distribution of macro viruses in the Wild reflects approximately the everyday usage of the relevant platforms.
Figure 4: Macro-based malware distribution (statistics for different software versions have been merged, except for MS Word and Excel).
Although only showing up as blips on the radar for now, reports of adware/spyware and Macintosh malware are evident in 2003 (see Figure 5). For those still foolish enough to believe that malware does not exist on Linux it is interesting to see the script values added to binary numbers. Trojan-based malware programs that optionally install backdoors are seen in the greatest numbers.
Figure 5: File-type malware distribution.
The use of Internet relay chat (IRC) emerged as a vector of malware distribution in 2002 and a blip or two in the 2003 radar. An interesting individual case we encountered was a large corporate-wide infestation of a backdoor Trojan installation which baffled administrators as it did not have any worming capabilities – only later did they discover that several employees had been connecting to a rogue chat server installation which was accessible externally.
Exploits that abuse system vulnerabilities such as those on Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) and Apache, proof-of-concept malware on Microsoft SQL Server, and various exploits causing auto-execution of email attachments appear to be rising interests as well.
Although the use of mass-mailing features shows a decline due to better attachment filtering practices, it is still the most effective distribution method when coupled with a little social engineering. Mapped and system shared drives are even now becoming a propagation standard – probably due to lapses in proper configuration or security with a notable Share Level Password vulnerability affecting Windows 9x-based installations. The term blended threat has been coined to refer to these types of malware that combine several attack vectors (see Figure 6). When forecasting protection strategies based on the chart above, administrators should be well aware of the unique characteristics that malware programs adapt to ensure their own survival in a penetrated corporate environment.
Figure 6. Malware distribution vectors.
As a summary, our recap of 2003 includes the following observations:
The bottom line is: what's next? Based on all the facts observed and those presented here, it would be safe to make the following predictions for 2004: