Avast Software, Czech Republic
Copyright © 2016 Virus Bulletin
DDoS threats have been around ever since the Internet took over half of global communications, posing the real problem of denial of access to online service providers. Recently, a new trend has emerged in non-Windows DDoS attacks that has been induced by code availability, lack of security and an abundance of resources. The attack infrastructure has undergone significant changes in structure, function and complexity. Malware has evolved into complex and relatively sophisticated pieces of code, employing compression, advanced encryption and even rootkit capabilities. Targeted machines are those running systems supporting the ELF format – anything from desktops and servers to IoT devices such as routers or digital video recorders (DVRs) could be at risk.
In this paper, we will look at the current state of DDoS trojans forming covert botnets on unsuspecting systems. A technical analysis of the most important malware families will be provided, with a specific focus on infection methods, dynamic behaviour, C&C communication, obfuscation techniques, advanced methods of persistence and stealth, and elimination of rivals. We will study cybercriminals' behaviour and introduce their operation tools, including vulnerability scanners, brute-forcers, bot builders and C&C panels. In many cases, it's unnecessary to apply reverse engineering within the analysis – the original source codes are indexed in public search engines and their customization is a subject of monetization. Finally, we will discuss tracking methods and techniques and reveal the targets of these attacks.
Today, both desktop users and organizations face various types of cyber attacks including credential theft, spam distribution, click fraud and denial of services (DoS). These are all usually performed via a series of zombie computers in a malicious botnet controlled by cybercriminals. Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks are carried out using various methods such as volumetric flooding, slow HTTP attacks or TCP protocol misuse. A DNS amplification is an example of volumetric flooding that has become popular recently. Certain trojans for the Windows platform with resources containing Chinese symbols have a long tradition of use in this type of attack and lack other spying features that trojans often possess (cf. [1]).
Implementations of flooding procedures have been available for a long time on Chinese source-code sharing services, especially in C/C++. Until recently, the shared sources were usually compiled as DDoS tools exclusively for the Windows platform. Crossing to another platform like Linux is not a complicated process though, and we have observed that many of these tools have been ported. These tools are not necessarily invasive trojan-type malware. However, they come with an additional framework (often on a different platform from the flooding tools) that provides an attacker with the possibility of forming a malicious botnet. The framework consists of C&C panels, bot builders, installation scripts, port scanners, SSH brute-forcers, etc. In our paper we provide a survey of current Linux DDoS bots and we sketch a wider context of usage of the above-mentioned components. This topic has been covered by many independent security researchers, e.g. the MalwareMustDie! group summarised their series of blog posts in [2]. The authors presented its early development in [21].
ELF is short for 'Executable and Linkable Format', which is a common standard format for executables under Unix systems. The instruction set architecture (ISA) of the binary is stored at the offset e_machine, and we refer to this parameter using the prefix 'EM_'. Unix systems power not only desktop and server machines, but are also the main operating systems for embedded devices. Although Intel 80386 (EM_386) and AMD64 (EM_x86_64) ISAs are the most common for desktops and servers, the situation for embedded devices is completely different – the devices may run on different ISAs, such as EM_ARM or EM_MIPS. Cross-compilation of malicious binaries to the latter platforms is done with the aim of extending the group of potential victims to target a wider range of devices.
We found that debugging symbols were often not stripped from ELF executables and thus revealed a lot about their functionality, especially the procedure names. The unstripped binaries listed in the Appendix were chosen intentionally so that we could review their features easily. At the same time, plain ELF binaries were occasionally encapsulated with the well-known UPX compression [4], which produced a certain level of polymorphism for the distributors. There were cases when packed executables were altered in such a way that the official tool did not decompress them (e.g. some chosen samples from the Sotdas and MrBlack families referred to in the Appendix). These modifications targeted the UPX header, which is located at the tail of the file. The changed parameters were the UPX magic string, various checksums, file sizes or decompression methods. Dynamic behaviour was not affected.
Infected embedded devices do not often hide the presence of the malware – debug information might be displayed directly on the standard console output.
All programs and tools below are involved in malicious activities, but in a strict sense we consider a DDoS trojan as a DDoS tool with an autostart feature. There are more common methods for bots to handle their persistence. This is done by creating symbolic links or executable scripts in the following directories:
Distribution starts with either an automated SSH brute-forcing of various Windows and Linux servers or vulnerability scanning and exploiting using the hacking tools and password lists mentioned below. If successful, flooding tools are downloaded and installed onto the hacked servers.
The installation process can consist of several steps:
We found that it was not unusual for flooding and control components to be offered freely as web server stress tests, with a warning that discourages any malicious use. However, authors looking for monetization of their tools offer customization of attack preferences and their control framework in return for a fee.
According to the type of machines that botmasters use to build their botnets, particular C&C panels and bot builders are chosen. They might be restricted to MIPS bots (e.g. MrBlack) or more heterogeneous with support for Linux, Windows and FreeBSD (e.g. Elknot). A bot builder is designed to set up bot details easily (e.g. the IP address of the C&C, port number, encryption keys, etc.). The builder generates the final binary from a binary template, and after execution it is displayed in the control panel. The control panels are in the form of Windows executables.
The acquired builders are written and run under Windows OS, although they may produce binaries for both Windows and Linux. A few examples are as follows:
Figure 1: Example of Chicken Builder for Elknot.
Figure 2: Example of MrBlack Builder.
The existence of bot-building tools is consistent with the enormous number of existing samples that differ only in settings such as C&C domains.
A good insight into the distribution chain was provided by file listings displayed as the web content of an HTTP file server (an HFS listing) that was established on a possibly compromised machine. The listings contained various groups of files, starting with port scanners, vulnerability scanners, login/password brute-forcers, password lists, lists of targeted IPs and SSH clients, and ended with the proper flooding tools, bot builders and C&C panels. Sometimes we even noticed text files with IP addresses of servers followed by the default names and passwords. These servers were clearly using the default credentials and were therefore accessible to anyone knowing the name/password combination. Additional crucial information provided by the HTTP file servers was the exact number of downloads of each file, giving us a chance to estimate the size of botnets.
Figure 3: An HFS panel used for distribution of malware – the number of downloads is shown in the right column.
Figure 4 shows an SSH brute-forcer, where attackers can enter a list of IP addresses and a password list, as well as specifying other parameters of the attack.
Figure 4: An SSH brute-forcer. Attackers enter an IP list and password list and specify other parameters of the attack.
Figure 5 shows a vulnerability scanner for Apache Struts, which was found together with Chinaz samples.
Figure 5: A vulnerability scanner for Apache Struts found together with Chinaz samples.
It should not come as a surprise that ELF malware is not the same as its Windows counterpart. This is due to the fact that most Windows malware runs on a machine where a user performs personal actions, so info-stealers and banking trojans make sense. ELF malware often targets devices that are not accessed by a real user. Therefore, it makes sense to misuse the device's power for tasks like denial of service, bitcoin mining or proxy networking and anonymization. Figure 6 sketches the total ELF malware space based on Avast's internal data, where the nodes represent particular malware families proportional to the number of unique samples and the edges are present if the corresponding families share a signature. The picture has been manipulated to omit very old viruses, potentially unwanted applications, and nodes with fewer than 10 unique hashes for the sake of leaving only relevant and interesting data.
Figure 6: ELF malware space.
Based on the similarity of features we tried to group all the bots into several clusters. Most of them also exist as Windows variants, but those will not be discussed.
With the highest incidence among any ELF malware family (~1400 unique samples), Elknot/Setag is among the most popular malware distributed by attackers. There are two main variants in this family, both of which were written in the modular C++ language. Bots of this type run on Windows x86/x64, Linux x86/x64 and FreeBSD systems. Although the variants differ in complexity, we grouped them into one family because their Windows versions have significantly similar debug info. They also have a very similar command grammar. A detailed analysis was provided by Kaspersky's Mikhail Kuzin in [5].
This variant usually comes as an on-the-fly patcher of an embedded DDoS tool. Its purpose is to replace itself with a dropped bot that has the C&C server and the port number carried from the patcher. These data are encrypted with a simple substitution cipher based on adding one from characters on odd positions and subtracting one from characters on even positions.
The tool itself is characterized by the presence of the files fake.cfg or xmit.ini, which contain information such as the attack status, the ranges of outgoing IP addresses and ports, or a domain name for a DNS flood. All network communication is a part of the CNetBase class. The commands supported are ReadTask, StopTask, ReadFake and DestroySocket, and are implemented in the main CManager class.
This more sophisticated trojan-type bot usually contains the character strings 'Bill' and 'Gates'. It recognizes four types of execution: MainBackdoor, MainSystool, MainMonitor and MainBeikong.
The C&C panel is called NFarm and its executable is called xitele, which translates as 'Hitler' in Chinese (see Figure 7).
Figure 7: Control panel for Elknot family, called xitele.
This family involves minimalistic DDoS tools characterized by the main thread _ConnectServer with a subroutine DealwithDDoS that handles the attack. The binaries usually contain character strings such as 'Hacker', 'Mr. Black', 'VERS0NEX' or a typo 'connnect'. The support of Linux architectures is wide (EM_386, EM_x86_64, EM_ARM and EM_MIPS) and compression with UPX is not exceptional. Additional threads could be spawned for collecting CPU and network statistics and reporting them to a C&C server. A detailed analysis was published by Prolexic [6].
Figure 8: Control panel for MrBlack called sword.exe with one connected bot (MIPS).
Aesddos is a trojan that extends the core functionality provided by MrBlack with C&C communication encrypted with AES. Persistence is realized at the beginning of the execution in the autoboot procedure by stream editing the files /etc/init.d/boot.local (AS1) and /etc/rc.local (AS3). The attack itself is performed via two main threads, backdoorA and backdoorM. The trojan supports the same Linux architectures as MrBlack, but the EM_ x86_64 variant was not observed. A detailed analysis of the MIPS variant is provided by M.J. Bohio [7].
4.2.2 WrkAtk
This is another trojan subfamily that strongly resembles Aesddos, with two main threads called DoubleDoMain1 and DoubleDoMain2. Its name is derived from the thread AttackWorker, which is responsible for calling the DealwithDDoS subroutine with appropriate parameters. Autostart is achieved using the insert_reboot procedure and is based on the same principle as in the case of Aesddos. The already_running procedure checks that the process is the only instance of the trojan, and the test is done by locking the file /var/run/dos32.pid. The configuration file dosset.dtdb is an additional IoC.
It was observed that a DDoS trojan has been spread by exploiting vulnerable Apache Tomcat, Struts or Elasticsearch software. The functionality of this piece of malware is divided into two parts: an initial binary is responsible for establishing persistence, eliminating an extensive list of rivals (stored in kill.txt or fuckopen.txt) and downloading an additional bot with implemented attack routines. IoCs list a binary /usr/bin/btdaemon, a process .flush, or S90bluetooth symbolic links.
The proper DDoS bot is written in C and is downloaded as getsetup.rar. Execution parameters are stored in the global variable g_mainsrvinfo of a struct type MAINSRVINFO with entries such as srvver, mainhostip, udpport or Mainisrun. A self-installation is performed into the /boot/ directory with an autostart script called IptabLes/IptabLex in (AS1). The bot then establishes communication with its C&C server. The initial packet contains the memory and CPU statistics of the compromised machine. Once the connection is established and the initial packet has been sent, the bot awaits commands from its control server. The most important DDoS commands are: setlocalip, setrandomip, updatepath, updatesrv, DeleteTask and DeleteAllTask. Observed types of attacks include volumetric SYN_Flood and DNS_Flood. Detailed analyses have been provided by Prolexic [8] and MalwareMustDie! [9].
This family is characterized by the presence of the strings 'g_nIsStopDDOS', 'DOSSTAT' or '# chkconfig: 2345 77 37'. The encryption of particular strings is done in a similar manner to that in which it is done in the Elknot family, but the period of substitution is 3 instead of 2. A self-installation takes care of multiple copies as /etc/.zl and /tmp/.lz<digits> files, where digits are derived from actual time. An autostart script is called .zl in (AS1) and symbolic links are called S77.zl in (AS3) (run levels Halt, Single-user mode and Reboot are omitted). The closefirewall procedure clears the environment for the trojan by disabling network filters (by stopping SuSEfirewall2 and disabling ufw) and terminating competing DDoS processes (obviously targeting IoCs of Iptablesx). The related binaries are often compressed with modified UPX. A detailed analysis has been published by Dr.Web [10].
This is an alternative name for the Lizard Stresser DDoS tool advertised by the Lizard Squad group [11]. It is capable of infecting a variety of devices running on Linux. In-the-wild usage of the Bash Bug, a.k.a Shellshock vulnerability (CVE-2014-6271), was observed to install Gafgyt's binaries onto a compromised system [12]. The source code of this IRC bot was leaked in January 2015. The support of architectures is the widest as the installation script downloads cross-compiled bots for EM_386, EM_x86_64, EM_SPARC, EM_PPC, EM_SH, EM_ARM, EM_MIPS and EM_68K. Examples of implemented commands together with an explanation for each are shown in Table 1.
PING | Reply PONG to the server |
GETLOCALIP | Get victim's IP |
SCANNER | ON | OFF; attempts to login to IPs from a generated list and to install itself if successful |
UDP | UDP flooding |
TCP | TCP flooding |
DNS | DNS amplification |
KILLATTK | Stop DDoS attack |
LOLNOGTFO | Stop the backdoor |
Table 1: Some commands implemented in Gafgyt.
Detailed analyses have been published by Dr.Web [13] and Alienvault [14].
This cluster was first discovered in September 2014 [15] and later reported multiple times [16, 17, 18]. Its infection vector starts with SSH brute force attacks for the sake of running an installation script under the root user. The script customizes the installation process and contains procedures like main, check, compiler, uncompress, setup, generate, upload, checkbuild, etc. and variables like __host_32__, __host_64__, __kernel__, __remote__, etc. Three requests are issued to hard-coded C&C servers: the initial GET with an
MD5-hashed string containing the name of the kernel version; a GET query with the parameters of a customized binary such as rootkit version and a list of the bot's C&Cs; and the final GET request of a compiled binary. The rootkit component with a complicated server-assisted installation is where Xorddos differs from all the other Linux trojans. Due to the nature of the Linux operating system, knowledge of kernel headers is crucial for loading any kernel module in the victim's machine. In case the hash of the kernel version is unknown to the server, the system's kernel headers are uploaded via a custom uploader and a new rootkit-equipped trojan can be delivered. The rootkit component is based on the open-source Suterusu rootkit, which is also available on Github [19].
The binary itself is copied into /boot/ under a random name. The name is then used to autostart the binary via (AS1), another script called udev.sh or cron.sh via (AS2), and symblic links called S90%s (where %s is randomly substituted via (AS3). Moreover, a victim might observe another instance of a randomly named binary in the /boot/ constantly being deleted and created again. This behaviour avoids the need to find a single constant process and to apply the kill command.
The configuration file of the rootkit contains four categories of lists: md5, denyip, filename and rmfile, which mean killing a running process based on its checksum (even though the variable is called md5, the internal implementation is CRC32), on the active communication with an IP from the list, on a filename, and finally removing a file with a specified name. Figure 9 shows part of the config file; marked filenames denote usual competitors such as Elknot, MrBlack, Sotdas or Iptablesx.
Figure 9: Elimination of rivals of Xorddos.
Figure 10: Control Panel for Xorddos with two connected bots, one EM_386, the second EM_ARM.
The C&C communication is encrypted in both directions with the same hard-coded XOR key (BB2FA36AAA9541F0) – which inspired the trojan's name.
This is a collection of DDoS tools with core flooding functionality borrowed from a simple project, DDosClient, available publicly on Github (last update in March 2015). The commands that are supported are at least COMMAND_DDOS_ATTACK and COMMAND_DDOS_STOP, and the attack arsenal lists at least methods including ATTACK_SYN, ATTACK_UDP, ATTACK_ICMP, ATTACK_DNS1 and ATTACK_DNS2. The other character strings are 'DDos ATTACE!', 'SecurtDoor', 'MK32' and 'MK64'. Variants have been observed for multiple platforms: EM_386, EM_x86_64 and EM_MIPS. Samples are often packed by the unmodified UPX tool.
The number of bots running on Linux platforms was not expected to be high. The size of a botnet could be estimated by data from HFS panels running on different machines. Distributed malicious binaries displayed tens, hundreds, occasionally thousands of downloads. However, that value was just an upper bound as bots might have been reinstalled repeatedly on victims' machines. The situation was similar for botnets of Gafgyt, as [11] revealed.
Regarding the volume of attacks, the reports [8] and [6] state peaks of 30.10 Gbps/6.75 Mpps for Iptablesx respectively, with 70 Gbps/28 Mpps for MrBlack. A DDoS attack performed by one victim of Xorddos reported in [20] lasted three hours and the amount of data averaged 6.63 Mbps/70 Kbps.
By knowing the communication protocol and the command grammar it is possible to harmlessly monitor the C&C activity and to log the targets of DDoS attacks. This was applied by a series of Python scripts for the Elknot/Setag family [21]. We have tried a similar approach for the Xorddos family. Among the observed victims were especially online gaming sites, e-commerce shops, online casinos, etc., all of which belonged to Chinese, American or Canadian IP ranges. These services had both the nature of small or medium-sized local businesses and services with a huge anti-DDoS infrastructure. The success of a flooding attack on the unprotected ones was directly observed in terms of the unreachability of a service shortly after the attack command had been issued.
Targeted IP addresses in the United States or Canada involved infrastructure belonging to Google Cloud [20], CNSERVERS LLC, Global Flag (hosting game servers like Counter Strike or Day of Defeat), CloudFlare; Sharktech; OVH Hosting; Microsoft Hosting, Amazon Cloud; Akamai Technologies, etc.
What all these services have in common is that their functionality and profitability depend on their ability to stay online and available for customers' requests. When some of the above-mentioned websites suffer a heavy DDoS attack, they become unreachable to their potential users and/or customers. Any time the service is not available causes a financial loss. Therefore the reason for attacking the above-mentioned type of websites is financial – the potential profit is probably based on the extortion of ransom payments.
The number of (trojanized) DDoS tools has escalated quickly since the end of 2013. The potential in devices with undeveloped or no security measures is very attractive for attackers to build botnets. We can also see a variety of projects that wrap the core flooding features. We can expect current bots to be enhanced and even more families to arise in the near future, potentially sharing chunks of already known bots as a consequence of a mixture of available source codes. It's hard to predict whether binaries will display an increased level of polymorphism than just a (modified) UPX compression. For the time being, it seems that malware distributors do not care about AV detection. The security community has started to pay significant attention to these threats.
We would like to thank @benkow_, Christian Rebischke (@Sh1bumi), @threat_inc and Lin Song (University of Iowa) for sharing information and samples. Moreover, we thank the following researchers for openly sharing their threat intelligence: @MalwareMustDie, @TekDefense and @da_667.
[1] Edwards, Nazario. J. A Survey of Contemporary Chinese DDoS Malware, Virus Bulletin 2011 (Barcelona). https://www.virusbulletin.com/conference/vb2011/abstracts/survey-chinese-ddos-malware/.
[2] MalwareMustDie! Tango down report of OP China ELF DDoS'er. September 2014.
[3] Kálnai P.; Hořejší J. Chinese Chicken: Multiplatform DDoS botnets, https://www.botconf.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/2014-2.10-Chinese-Chicken-Multiplatform-DDoS-Botnets.pdf.
[4] UPX: the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables. http://upx.sourceforge.net/.
[5] Kuzin, M. Versatile DDoS Trojan for Linux. July 2014. https://securelist.com/analysis/publications/64361/versatile-ddos-trojan-for-linux/.
[6] Prolexic. Spike DDoS Toolkit. October 2014.
[7] Bohio, M. J. Analysis of a MIPS malware. GIAC, SANS Institute. https://www.giac.org/paper/grem/2573/analyzing-backdoor-bot-mips-platform/124977.
[8] Prolexic. IptabLes/IptabLex DDoS Bots. September 2014. http://www.prolexic.com/kcresources/prolexic-threat-advisories/prolexic-ddos-threat-advisory-iptables-iptablex-linux-bots-botnet-cybersecurity/TA-DDos-Binary-Bot-IptabLes-v6-A4.pdf.
[9] MalwareMustDie! ITW Infection of ELF .IptabLex & .IptabLes China #DDoS bots malware. June 2014. http://blog.malwaremustdie.org/2014/06/mmd-0025-2014-itw-infection-of-elf.html.
[10] Dr.Web. Linux.Myk.5. http://vms.drweb.com/virus/?i=4365599.
[11] Krebs, B. Lizard Stresser Runs on Hacked Home Routers. January 2015. http://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/01/lizard-stresser-runs-on-hacked-home-routers/.
[12] Security Affairs. Hackers target Bash Bug vulnerability in the wild. September 2014.
[13] Dr.Web. Linux.BackDoor.Fgt.1. November 2014. http://vms.drweb.com/virus/?i=4242198.
[14] Blasco, J. Attackers exploiting Shellshock (CVE-2014-6721) in the wild. September 2014.
[15] MalwareMustDie! Fuzzy reversing a new China ELF Linux/XOR.DDoS. September 2014.
[16] Kálnai, P. Linux DDoS Trojan hiding itself with an embedded rootkit. January 2015.
[17] FireEye. Anatomy of a Brute Force Campaign: The Story of Hee Thai Limited. February 2015. https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2015/02/anatomy_of_a_brutef.html.
[18] Level3. It Takes a Village – Collaborative Steps to Breaking Botnets: How Level 3 and Cisco Worked Together to Improve the Internet's Security and Stop SSHPsychos. April 2015. http://blog.level3.com/security/breaking-botnets-how-level-3-and-cisco-worked-together-to-improve-the-internets-security-and-stop-sshpsychos/.
[19] Github. An LKM rootkit targeting Linux 2.6/3.x on x86(_64), and ARM. https://github.com/mncoppola/suterusu.
[20] Evidence of a DDoS attack. February 2015.
[21] ValdikSS. Some tools to monitor BillGates CnC servers. February 2014. https://github.com/ValdikSS/billgates-botnet-tracker.
Elknot Builder | F126C3F8530587F7CADEB8B969BC04AB114B468922171A953211345AD5A8F380 |
Elknot Xitele Kit | 48183D0DD8DA484639ADDA9F60E5FEA340D7C6B4C77458384EE98CB21972ADE5 |
Elknot EM_386 | D1F922A762BBD4E0725D4625BE4A39CEBFA03D1875339E9F01F825A2DCDC9E65 |
Elknot EM_386 (Setag) | 568A52AA9A9AC2698BA7C49FE4A3AEE34D96FE0F25ECCB31FC726D941BB135EA |
Elknot (Setag) UPX | 3E89F0D71671DB79506050E0823D121EA5A19457308AF3E379AC45A0338B1B33 |
Elknot Script | 21ACDA48CAD399B049D03A51A64C9E4BB2DC96C1916BC4EECD6FC828E8036083 |
Chinaz EM_386 | A86B1899821C2833B989A736E928A4137FA6D0954C9816747F6AFEF536F757F9 |
Chinaz EM_x86_64 | 1EB72C76F79FA01CE39198C91AF5C7A4E36897E9A9A8F5D29CA68BA7371A2361 |
Chinaz EM_MIPS | 87934D993BB5262FB2826DA05CB4657EC6B20849A65C5D00D260BBF58878F45E |
Chinaz Sources | 992ED01DEF5ECE5B90CE242820D2BFDD580FDDDE12DBC10CE5A395A7923922C9 |
MrBlack C&C | 1828AC46C67E120274688A562D04E9E9A629C39090A848956FB7DB45B6551B74 |
MrBlack Builder | E83F69052FC240DC43FC2B32F77408B2B3488E67B29B04041E7C6B8622CE8602 |
MrBlack EM_x86_64 | F2DF127535902E6390CE2EC198C12A5BD9A361901C2D8008A064DF96EFD10E29 |
MrBlack EM_x86_64 UPX | 6DD946E821DF59705DCFEB79FAB810336D0EE497FD715FB5B6711E05C0428F4D |
MrBlack EM_386 | 8766317F20B05C792514ADDD8BB4904021049ACD86E8D70E9FFFD1D12FAD51CE |
MrBlack EM_ARM | 26FCBDC7EBE2750B4008D8C67186A9DA03D34B994662BD93E49D7C572AADBAE0 |
MrBlack EM_MIPS | 736C08988602155954C02CBEF0B4ED3DD916C7EB659032202F15081620058988 |
MrBlack Sources | 8499E6727253FA98DACC3D753CC08CB207C64A290D9521E94A65C2BDA34F405E |
Aesddos EM_ARM | AF765C0F87846E6E1A184B64A4DA8E51588F0F6A7048FEFDD60B53058373C6B6 |
Aesddos EM_386 | D6E77D8F2FFDF61981241022E8D7034014927BFFA23793739051CAD34867F766 |
Wrkatk EM_386 | 288D91AF1B5F3A57C0B3D66330F56BBCD38604948B3154CD4842D277FA86F664 |
Wrkatk EM_x86_64 | 0940E4A72DBA133838CCD0992914C5FB2BF106D5A018F289B9C5896C0E237CC6 |
Wrkatk EM_MIPS | 8A1CE3302E896CD695528EB0CC744EC6E18C1D708C944BE7C8AFFB3B4D44BD5D |
Wrkatk EM_ARM | 4ED6E5CFA9D7006E021BBD099AAFD4F2ADAAE3307DC25262E240D9E8829B960D |
Iptablesx Dropper | F41C4C9EE0FBAEFF5397F27531A91135C1D98C54A9E0BDC6CA52315E3E208537 |
Iptablesx EM_386 | 9F89CA6F4580F6EBE021D2C2E2C528B93E4492C4B6E6BD5F339361E86F8585D8 |
Sotdas EM_386 | E75E49AC157DADC8C4E7230D531BE0DB6FBC339B5D75B7AB8FA6202CE0EC8E2A |
Sotdas EM_x86_64 UPX | 59D53A8DFB2B646293E422743EAF8C6F3AB576BACCDF36BB133C4F458AAF60A3 |
Xorddos C&C | 496F413E6C8B6F258C238AF6EAF61C2B524DC0DC985E4E659627ADAE1ED31517 |
Xorddos Script | BA84C056FB4541FE26CB0E10BC6A075585990F3CE3CDE2B49475022AD5254E5B |
Xorddos Uploader | 44153031700A019E8F9E434107E4706A705F032898D3A9819C4909B2AF634F18 |
Xorddos EM_386 | AD26ABC8CD8770CA4ECC7ED20F37B510E827E7521733ECAEB3981BF2E4A96FBF |
Xorddos EM_x86_64 | 859A952FF05806C9E0652A9BA18D521E57090D4E3ED3BEF07442E42CA1DF04B6 |
Xorddos EM_ARM | 49963D925701FE5C7797A728A044F09562CA19EDD157733BC10A6EFD43356EA0 |
Xorddos Rootkit | 6BE322CD81EBC60CFEEAC2896B26EF015D975AD3DDA95AE63C4C7A28B7809029 |
Gafgyt Server | 2A04C216FCE75D19E5162081EB747B8A77C205F6DD933B0864C08FB086C929C5 |
Gafgyt EM_x86_64 | BAABCECAC23775FDD3E52CD1FB0E4C46777A6747E854074ECE751767D13F6DD7 |
Gafgyt EM_386 | 28EA6EE1080B4D436685D0D0C87EEF492EA2A376917437E865D0D1513114B8D7 |
Gafgyt EM_ARM | 67FF5F3F10AD86ED0A9F90244E7B5BE839AFB0AAEB49E22130551A09A0F08FF8 |
Gafgyt EM_MIPS | 04BEF883E7098FDA9148A75C43165D45AC5FBB8B6032848E9C5D9A5E3897DF52 |
Gafgyt EM_PPC | 7F13A4C911AB0682D9A7F5988DA9C7BE0AE781CE15945E4C0AA76A78E22CBF2F |
Gafgyt EM_SH | D59C7CF8D9EFBD93F0B907C12BB4C18CC5CE7D800B234DB219D2D919C0B0AFDC |
Gafgyt EM_SPARC | 277D2D00E27BCF4536BB492CAC16001E8832DC9BBED384A8C523B49A199790E6 |
Gafgyt EM_x86_64 | BAABCECAC23775FDD3E52CD1FB0E4C46777A6747E854074ECE751767D13F6DD7 |
Gafgyt EM_68K | 4E611FB1466920885D1216AB7D9B4F16A3F31D52CF7B39FFC21FC6CA41534738 |
Gafgyt Script | 8D0B152A91202356B3B5470C5C017B4E9595C5325D8C14DA1DEBBE1782225A14 |
Gafgyt Sources | 1AF299A269FFDB4461E181CA774FC307A592288AD4B3F6B93226C955EB9B8084 |