Win32.Trojan.IcoScript.A is a classic remote administration tool, but it has a particular way of communicating with its control server. It is very modular and it abuses popular web platforms (such as Yahoo and Gmail) for command and control communication. Paul Rascagneres discusses the unusual techniques used by the trojan.
The discovery of new iOS malware is generally pretty hot news for an anti-virus analyst. In March 2014, Claud Xiao discovered iOS/AdThief, a piece of malware which hijacks advertisement revenues and redirects them to the attacker. Axelle Apvrille describes the malware in detail, as well as disclosing a few new findings.
Usually, prepending viruses are relatively easy to clean and remove – just cut off the prepended virus and, in theory, the host file should be restored. However, in the case of prepending file infector Neshta, simply cutting the virus off will not do the job. Raul Alvarez takes a close look at Neshta, and at why it can't be removed as simply as other prepending infectors.
The VB test team put 14 corporate products and 34 consumer products through their paces on Windows 8.1 - John Hawes has the details.