‘Surveillance has been an instrument of statecraft for millennia.' Samir Mody, K7 Computing
Round-up of some of the security industry's predictions for the year ahead.
Seeking submissions for VB2014 in Seattle.
The untimely death of security researcher Péter Ször sent shockwaves across anti-malware community last month. Some of those who knew him best pay tribute to a brilliant mind and a true gentleman.
Downloaders are usually small and simple files whose goal is purely to download the ‘main course’ of a malware infection. The downloaded file (or ‘downloadee’) invariably has more features and functionalities than the downloader. Raul Alvarez looks at the W32/Onkod downloader and its downloaded file.
The Android/FakeKakao trojan monitors incoming and outgoing SMS messages, sends SMS spam and gathers sensitive information as well as incorporating anti-debugging and anti-emulator tricks and disabling some security software. Zhe Li and Dong Xie take a closer look.
Viruses for Java are relatively rare, and parasitic viruses for Java are even rarer. The Java/Handjar virus infects Java applications by placing its virus code inside a JAR file and including a reference to the virus class file. Peter Ferrie has the details.
Wout de Natris urges parliamentarians to facilitate cooperation across borders and asks: why is it necessary, in 2013, to give up a little bit of sovereignty and territoriality?
In the latest of his ‘Greetz from Academe’ series, highlighting some of the work going on in academic circles, John Aycock looks at a tool designed to detect JavaScript containing malicious evasions.
Eddy Willems presents a round up of the 22nd EICAR Conference, held in Hannover last month.
In this test the VB test team made their first visit to the all-new Windows 8.1 platform - which proved challenging for all participants, with both minor irritations and major issues affecting product performance. John Hawes has all the details.
Must-attend events in the anti-malware industry - dates, locations and further details.