
Events in VB100

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February 28, 2005

The VB100 report 2005-02 was released (Windows NT 4.0). Read the report for details.

June 30, 2004

The VB100 report 2004-06 was released (Windows XP Professional). Read the report for details.

February 29, 2004

The VB100 report 2004-02 was released (Windows NT 4.0). Read the report for details.

November 30, 2003

The VB100 report 2003-11 was released (Windows Server 2003). Read the report for details.

June 30, 2003

The VB100 report 2003-06 was released (Windows XP Professional). Read the report for details.

February 28, 2003

The VB100 report 2003-02 was released (Windows NT 4.0). Read the report for details.
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