The WildList

March 1999

                  PC Viruses in the Wild - March, 1999

    This is a cooperative listing of viruses reported as being in the wild
    by 46 virus information professionals. The basis for these reports are
    virus incidents where a sample was received, and positively identified
    by the participant.  Rumors and unverified reports have been excluded.

    This report is cumulative. That is, this is not just a report of which
    viruses were seen last month. Monthly data is received from most
    participants, but the new data is added to the old. Participants are
    expected to let us know when to remove their name from a virus that
    they haven't seen in 6 months or so.

    The list should not be considered a list of "the most common viruses",
    however, since no specific provision is made for a commonness factor.

    This data indicates only "which" viruses are in the wild, but viruses
    reported by many (or most) participants are obviously widespread.

    The WildList is currently being used as the basis for in-the-wild
    virus testing and certification of anti-virus products by the ICSA,
    Virus Bulletin and Secure Computing. Additionally, a virus collection
    based upon the WildList is being used in an effort to standardize the
    naming of common viruses.

        The WildList - (c)1993-1999 by Joe Wells - [email protected]

  Key Participant          Region         Organization      Product
  Aa  Asaf Achitoov        Israel         iRiS Software     AntiVirus Plus
  Ac  Alan Candy           New Zealand    Applied Insight   Multiple products
  Ad  Allan Dyer           Hong Kong      Yui Kee Co. Ltd.  F-Prot
  Ae  Amir Elbaz           Israel         EliaShim          ViruSafe
  Ak  Ahmad Y. Kashoor     Syria          CompuKashoor      Dr Solomon's
  Cb  Carl Bretteville     Norway         Norman ASA        NVC
  Cr  Costin RAIU          Romania        GeCAD             RAV
  Cs  Christian Schmid     Austria        DataPROT Linz     F-Prot
  Dc  Dave Chess           USA            IBM               NAV
  Dg  Dmitry Gryaznov      UK             McAfee (US)       VirusScan
  Ek  Eugene Kaspersky     Russia         KAMI              AVP
  Ev  Eduardo Velasquez    Colombia/Vene. SOFTEAM Ltda      VirusCOP
  Ew  Eddy Willems         Belgium/Lux.   Data Alert Int'l  VirusScan
  Fh  Fraser Howard        UK             Virus Bulletin    -
  Fl  Ferenc Leitold       Hungary        Hunix Ltd.        Virus Buster
  Fp  Francois Paget       France         McAfee (France)   VirusScan
  Gm  Gerard Mannig        France         RECIF             None
  Ic  Ieta Chi             Taiwan         Trend Micro       PC-cillin
  Jd  Joost de Raeymaeker  Portugal       RSVP              VirusScan
  Jm  Jose Martinez        Peru           HackSoft S.R.Ltda TH AV
  Jw  Jon Wheat            USA            ICSA              -
  Kb  Kenneth Bechtel      USA            Team Anti-Virus   -
  Kd  K. T. Davies         India          Pioneer Micro     Vaxine
  Ks  Klas Scholdstrom     Sweden         QA                VirusScan
  Ls  Luca Sambucci        Italy          Itaweb            None
  Ml  Mickey Loh           Malaysia       R.E.Solutions     Armour AV
  Ms  Marek Sell           Poland         Marek Sell, Ltd.  MkS_vir
  Mt  Miroslav Trnka       Slovakia       ESET Ltd          NOD-ICE
  Pb  Pavel Baudis         Czech Republic ALWIL Software    Avast!
  Pd  Paul Ducklin         UK             Sophos Plc.       Sweep
  Pn  Patrick Nolan        USA            McAfee (US)       VirusScan
  Ps  Peter Szor           Finland        Data Fellows      F-Prot Pro
  Ra  Ruben Arias          Argentina      RALP              Integ Master
  Rf  Richard Foley        Ireland        Reflex Magnetics  TBAV
  Rp  Ronnie Pineda        Philippines    Mannasoft Corp.   VirusScan
  Rr  Roger Riordan        Australia      CYBEC             VET
  Rv  Robert Vibert        Canada         Sensible Security -
  Rz  Righard Zwienenberg  Netherlands    ESaSS BV          ThunderBYTE
  Sb  Sherra Buzzell       *USA           Symantec          NAV
  Sm  Seiji Murakami       *Japan         JCSR              None
  Sr  Subramanya Rao       *India         Proland Software  Protector Plus
  Td  Toralv Dirro         Germany        U of Hamburg      VirusScan
  Ti  Torben Immisch       Denmark        Swanholm Distrib. NAV
  Ws  Wolfgang Stiller     USA            Stiller Research  Integ Master
  Xc  Xabier Cazalis       Spain          Panda Software    Panda
  Yp  Ywain Penberthy      So Africa      CSIR Virus Lab    VPS
                              The WildList
  This main list includes viruses reported by multiple participants, which
  appear to be non-regional in nature. Technically, this first list is "the"
  WildList according to original specification, which required viruses to
  be verified in the wild by a minimum of two participants. A supplemental
  list follows that contains viruses reported by single participants.

 + Viruses marked with a plus sign (+) are new to the main list this month.

                                            List  Reported
  Name of Virus           [Alias(es)      ] Date  by:
  15_Years.C..............[Esto te pasa...] 10/97 AeEvJwPnWs
  AntiCMOS.A..............[Lenart.........]  1/95 AcCbCrCsDcDgEvEwFhFlFpGmIc
  AntiCMOS.B..............[LiXi...........] 10/95 CbFpKsMsRvRzSbSmTd
  AntiEXE.A...............[D3.............]  9/94 AaAcCbCrCsDcDgEkEvEwFhFpGm
  BachKhoa.3999...........[DuBug.3999.....]  3/98 FpRzSb
  Boot-437.A..............[Bath...........]  3/94 AcCbFlIcJwKdMsPbPdPnRzTdWs
  Burglar.1150.A..........[GranGrave.1150.]  2/96 CbEkIcKsMsMtPbPsRzTdWs
  Byway.A.................[Dir2.Byway.....]  9/95 DgEvGmJdJmPnSb
  Cascade.1701.A..........[1701...........]  9/93 CbCrCsFlJwKsPdPsRzSmTdWs
  Cascade.1704.A..........[1704...........]  7/93 CsEkEwJwKs
  Crazy_Boot..............[...............]  5/95 PnSbTd
  Cruel.A.................[...............]  2/98 CrGmMsPsRzTd[Goblin.1759....]  6/95 CbCrDgJmMsPdRfTdTi
  Diablo_Boot.............[...............] 10/95 EvJmPdPsRa
  Die_Hard.4000.A.........[DH2, Wix.......]  1/95 AkCbCrFlIcJmJwKdKsPnRzTdWs
  Dir-II.A................[Creeping Death.]  7/93 FlWs
  Eco.B...................[Eco.B, Sevilla.]  3/98 FpJmPdXc
  Edwin...................[...............] 10/96 CbGmKs
  Empire.Monkey.A.........[Monkey.........]  7/94 DcFpGmIcJmJwKsPdPnRfRrRvSb
  Empire.Monkey.B.........[Monkey 2.......]  7/94 AcCbDcDgEvEwFhFpGmIcJdJmJw
  EXE_Bug.A...............[CMOS Killer....]  9/93 DgEwFlGmJdJwKsPdPnRfTdWsYp
  EXE_Bug.C...............[...............]  9/93 CbJwYp
  Fat_Avenger.............[...............]  6/95 KdSm[Omicron........]  7/93 FpGmXc
  Form.A..................[Form 18........]  7/94 AcCbCrCsDcEvEwFhFlFpGmJmJw
  Form.D..................[Form May.......]  7/94 CsEvFpGmJwPdSbYp
  Frodo.4096.A............[4096...........]  7/93 EwRr
  Green_Caterpillar.1575.A[Find, 1575.....]  7/93 DgJwPnRrWs
  Helloween.1376.A........[1376...........]  7/93 MtWs
  J&M.A...................[Jimi,Hasita....]  6/95 CbCrKsMtPbPdPnPsSm
  Jerusalem.1808.Standard.[Israeli........]  7/93 CbCsDgFlFpIcJwRzWs
  Jerusalem.Zero_Time.Aust[Slow...........]  7/93 JdJwRr[DrWhite.1027...]  7/94 AcCbCrCsDcDgEkEwFhFlFpGmJm
                                                  TdTiWsXc[AntiTel........]  7/93 CbFpJd
  Little_Red.1465.A.......[Red Book, Mao..]  7/94 JwWs
  Major.1644.A............[Major BBS......]  6/96 AeCbEkKsMsPbPnPsRzSbTd
  Maltese_Amoeba.2365.....[Grain of Sand..]  7/93 GmJwWs
  Manzon.1426.............[...............]  5/96 CbEwKsMsPdPnPsRrTdYp
  Michelangelo.A..........[...............]  7/93 CsSbWs
  Moloch..................[...............]  7/96 PsSb[Satan..........] 10/95 CbCrDgEvEwIcJdJmJwKdMsPbPd
  Nightfall.4518..........[N8Fal..........]  2/96 CbPbPnTd
  November_17th.855.A.....[Int83.855......]  9/93 JwLs
  NYB.A...................[B1.............]  7/94 AcDcEkEwFhFlJwKsLsMsPdPnPs
                                                  RvRzSbSmTdWsXcYp[Dis, Free Love.] 10/95 AcAeAkCbCrCsDgEkEvEwFlFpGm
                                                  TdTiWsXcYp[...............]  2/99 CrMt
  Parity_Boot.B...........[Generic 1......]  9/93 AcCbCsDcDgEvEwFlFpGmJdJwKs
                                                  LsPbPdPnPsRfRzSmTdTiWsXcYp[Kaczor.4444....]  6/96 CbCrEkFpMsMtPbTdXcYp
  QRry....................[Query, Essex...]  7/94 EvFhPn
  Quandary................[Parity_Boot.Enc]  3/96 AkDgFpKsMtPdPsTd
  Quicky.1376.............[Quicksilver....]  7/96 CbCrFlPdPnTd
  Quox.A..................[Stealth 2......]  7/93 CbJwPnSm
  Raadioga.1000...........[Nilz.1000.B....]  4/98 PsRz
  Ripper..................[Jack Ripper....]  3/94 AcCrCsDcEwFhFlFpGmIcJwKbKs
  RP.A....................[Rhubarb, PR.b..]  2/97 CrMsPs
  Sampo...................[Turbo, Wllop...]  1/95 AcDcEkEwFhFlFpGmJwKsMsPbPd
  Spanska.1500............[...............]  7/97 PnPsRz
  Spanska.4250.A..........[...............] 11/97 CrDgFhFpJmPnPsRzSbTi
  Stealth_Boot.C..........[AMSE, NopB2....]  9/94 CbEkEvEwFhGmJdJwMtPdPnYp
  Stoned.Angelina.........[...............]  5/95 CbCsDcEvFlFpIcJdMlMsPbPdPn
  Stoned.Azusa.A..........[Hong Kong......]  7/93 CsJwPnRr
  Stoned.June_4th.A.......[Bloody!........]  7/93 CbCsIcPnRrSmWs
  Stoned.No_INT.A.........[Stoned.........]  9/94 AcCbCsDcEwFpGmJwMtPbPdPnPs
  Stoned.Spirit...........[...............]  6/96 AeDcFpGmKsMsPbPnTdXcYp
  Stoned.Standard.B.......[New Zealand....]  3/93 CrEkEvGmIcJwPbPdPnRrWsXc
  Stoned.W-Boot...........[Wonka..........] 12/93 EvPdPnRrWs
  Tai-Pan.438.A...........[Whisper........]  1/95 CbDgEkFlJwKsMsPbPdPnPsTdWs
  Tai-Pan.666.A...........[D2D............]  1/95 CbEkJwKsPnWs[...............]  7/93 CsFpWs
  TMC_Level-69............[TMC.5454.......]  2/98 MtPb[TVPO, 3873.....] 10/96 AaAdCrDcIcKsMlMtPnPsRzSbTd
  Tremor.4000.A...........[...............]  7/93 CbCsFlJwPbTdWs
  Unashamed.B.............[...............] 10/95 DcFpLsPdPsYp
  Unsnared.814............[ V.814.........]  3/96 AeCrRz
  V-Sign..................[Cansu, Sigalit.]  7/93 CsGmJwKsMsPbPdPnPsRrWs
 +W32/Ska.A...............[HAPPY99........]  3/99 CbCsEkEwIcJmKbMlPbRvSmSr
  W95/Anxiety.1358........[Poppy, W95/Anxi] 11/97 DgEkFpPbPnPs
  W95/Anxiety.1823........[W95/Anxiety.B..]  4/98 AaCbDgEkFpPbPnPs
  W95/CIH.1003............[Spacefiller....]  8/98 AaAdAkCbCrCsFhFpIcJdJmKbLs
  W95/CIH.1019.A..........[.1019, CIH.C...]  7/98 AaCrCsEkFhMlMsPsSb
  W95/Fono................[W95/] 12/98 CbFhMtPb
  W95/Marburg.8590........[W95/Marburg.A..]  7/98 CbDgEwFhIcKsPsSbSm
  W97M/Appder.A...........[...............]  7/97 CbJm
  W97M/Brenda.A...........[...............]  1/99 FhRz
  W97M/Class.B............[...............]  2/99 AaFpKbPs
  W97M/Class.D............[...............] 12/98 AcCbCrEwFhFpIcKsPsRpRzTi
  W97M/Class.Q............[...............] 12/98 AdCbCrPsRz
  W97M/ColdApe.A..........[...............] 12/98 AaFhFpPnRv
 +W97M/ColdApe.B..........[...............]  3/99 FhKbPs
  W97M/Ethan.A............[...............]  2/99 CbEwIcJdKbRvSbSrTi
  W97M/Groov.A............[...............]  7/98 DgFhKbSbSmYp
  W97M/Nono.A.............[Nono...........]  2/99 KbPsRpSm
 +W97M/Pri.B..............[...............]  3/99 PsRvSb
  W97M/Wazzu.A............[...............]  5/97 CsDgPnTd
  W97M/Wazzu.C............[...............]  5/97 AaAcDgPn
  WelcomB.................[Bupt...........]  6/95 CsDcEvFlFpIcJwKsMsPbPdPnPs
  Win/Tentacle.10634......[Shell.10634....]  9/96 KsPnSbTd
  Win/Tentacle.1944.......[...............]  5/96 DgKsPnRzTd
  WM/Appder.A.............[ntthnta........]  5/97 DcDgEwFpJmKsMsPnPsTi
  WM/Bandung.A............[Tedious........] 12/96 DcDgFpJwPnRr
  WM/CAP.A................[...............]  5/97 AaAcAdAkCbCrCsDcDgEkEwFhFp
  WM/Colors.A.............[Colours........] 10/96 CbDgJdLsPnSm
  WM/Concept.A............[Prank Macro....] 12/96 AcAkCbCrCsDcDgEkEwFhFlFpGm
  WM/Concept.F............[Parasite.A.....] 12/96 PnPs
  WM/CopyCap.A............[...............]  7/98 CbDgEwFhKsRv
  WM/Date.B...............[...............]  3/98 FpKs
  WM/Demon.A..............[...............]  2/99 EkJmKb
  WM/Divina.A.............[Infeczione.....] 12/96 CbEwFpLs
  WM/Helper.A.............[...............] 12/96 DcDgJwPnPsTi
  WM/Helper.B.............[...............]  7/97 CbJmPnXc
  WM/Irish.A..............[Irish..........] 10/96 CbJwPnPsRv
  WM/Johnny.A.............[Go Johnny......]  5/96 AkCbDgIcJdKsPnPsYp
  WM/Johnny.B.............[...............] 12/98 CrJm
  WM/Lunch.B..............[...............]  7/97 CbDcPnPsTd
  WM/MDMA.A...............[StickyKeys.....] 12/96 AcDcDgFpJmJwKbKdPnPsSbSmTd
  WM/MDMA.D...............[...............]  2/97 KsPnSbTd
  WM/NiceDay.A............[...............]  5/97 AeCbDcDgPnSmTd
  WM/Niknat.A.............[...............] 12/98 JmSm
  WM/Nottice.A............[...............]  2/99 JmSm
  WM/Npad.A...............[Jakarta........] 12/96 AcAkCbCrCsDcDgEwFhFpJdJmJw
  WM/ShowOff.A............[...............]  9/97 AcCsDcDgEwFpYp
  WM/ShowOff.C............[...............]  7/97 AcCbDcKsPsTd
  WM/Surabaya.A...........[...............]  7/97 KsPnPs
  WM/Switcher.A...........[...............] 12/97 DgEw
  WM/TWNO.A:Tw............[Taiwan No. 1...] 12/96 FpIcPn
  WM/TWNO.AC..............[...............]  8/98 DgFpKs
  WM/Wazzu.A..............[Wazzu..........] 12/96 AeCbCrDcDgEwFpGmIcJdJmJwKd
  WM/Wazzu.C..............[...............] 12/96 AaAcCbCsDcFpJwPbPnPsTdXc
  WM/Wazzu.DO.............[...............]  4/98 EwFpKsTiXc
  WM/Wazzu.F..............[Bosco..........]  2/97 CbDcKsPn
  WM/Wazzu.P..............[...............] 12/96 AcJwMsTd
  X97M/Extras.A...........[...............] 12/98 AaDgMl
  X97M/Extras.B...........[...............] 10/98 MlSbSm
  X97M/Laroux.A...........[...............]  7/97 CbCrDcDgEwIcKbKsMlMtPbRvTd
  X97M/Laroux.BP..........[...............] 10/98 DgKs
  X97M/Laroux.D...........[...............] 12/98 CrDg
  X97M/Laroux.DX..........[...............] 12/98 EwKbKsRp
  X97M/Laroux.E...........[...............] 12/98 CrDgKbRp
  XF/Paix.A...............[...............] 12/98 AdFpPsSm
  XM/Compat.A.............[...............] 12/98 EwIcSb
  XM/Extras.A.............[...............]  7/98 AaDgEwIcKbMlSm
  XM/Laroux.A.............[...............]  2/97 AaCrCsDcDgEkEwFhFpIcJdJmKb
  XM/Laroux.D.............[...............]  9/97 CrDgJdPbTd
  XM/Laroux.E.............[...............] 10/97 AcCrDcDgKbPbPnSb
  XM/Laroux.FC............[...............] 12/98 EwSb
  Yankee_Doodle.2881.A....[Yankee.2C.A....]  9/93 EkEwJwKsPdPsSmTd
  Total for the WildList: 146

                            Supplemental List
  As was noted at the start of the main list, this list is not technically
  part of "The WildList", as originally defined. By design, the WildList
  is a list of viruses verified as being in the wild by a minimum of two
  WildList participants. The viruses listed below do not currently meet
  that criteria.

  This additional list includes viruses reported by a single participant
  and are often either moving onto the main list, or dropping off of it.

  Please note especially that this list also tends to be more of a
  regional reporting mechanism. For example, a virus is often reported
  as very common by one regional participant, but is found nowhere else
  in the world.

  Viruses marked with a minus sign (-) dropped from the main list this
  month. Viruses marked with a plus sign (+) are new to the supplemental
  list this month.
                                            List  Reported
  Name of Virus           [ Alias(es)     ] Date  by:
  Alcon...................[Ken+Desmond, RS]  3/98 Ks
  Ale.1911................[Sul.1911.A.....] 10/98 Rz
  Alfons.1344.............[Iutt99.........]  1/99 Mt
  Anti-Heur.672...........[Vah.672, Antihe] 11/98 Fp
  BadSectors.3428.........[...............]  1/99 Cr[...............]  1/99 Fh
  Barrotes.1310.A.........[Barrotos.......]  1/99 Fp
  Beah....................[...............]  2/98 Xc
  Bleah.C.................[...............]  3/98 Fp
  Bye.....................[ByeBye.........]  1/99 Ls
  ChaosTraveler.1200......[DMR.1200.......] 10/98 Rz
  Cleaner.937.............[Sopron.937.....]  3/98 Rz
  Codbrea.431.............[Basho.431.A....] 10/98 Rz
  Creed.5209..............[...............] 11/98 Sb[CriCri.4300.A..] 11/98 Fp
  DA_Boys.A...............[...............]  1/99 Ws
  Dark_Avenger.1800.A.....[Eddie..........]  1/99 Ws
  DelCMOS.B...............[Int7F-E9, Feint]  1/99 Jm
  Dodgy...................[...............]  1/99 Cr
  Equinox.855.............[Galileo.GR.....] 11/98 Cr
  Getto.2000..............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  Gimp....................[...............]  3/98 Ks
  HDKiller................[Coruna, Meilan.] 10/97 Jm
  HLLO.5831...............[Raid.5831......]  3/98 Sb
  HLLP.11712..............[...............] 10/98 Rz
  HLLP.7299...............[Iraq.7299......] 11/98 Fp
  Int-AA..................[...............]  3/98 Fp[...............]  1/99 Fp
  Istanbul.1367...........[Reu.1367, Reu.G]  3/98 Rz
  J&M.B...................[...............]  2/99 Mt
  Jumper.B................[SillyBop, 2kb..]  1/99 Fp[Patras.........]  9/97 Rv
  Kiev.1942...............[KVS.1942.......]  2/99 Ak
  Krueger.2271............[Freddy_Krueger.]  1/99 Ws[MPC3, Kua.4608.]  3/98 Rz
  Lavot.D.................[...............]  3/98 Fp
  Leandro.................[TimeWarp.......]  1/99 Ws
  Live_Long.791...........[...............] 10/98 Rz[NoKernel.6000..] 11/98 Fp
  Multiani................[...............]  1/99 Cr[Havoc, Wedding.]  1/99 Ws
  Noiembrie.610...........[...............] 10/97 Rz
  November_17th.800.A.....[Jan1, Int83.800]  1/99 Fp
  Olk.4245................[Glew.4245......]  3/98 Rz
  Parity_Boot.A...........[...............]  1/99 Cb
  Peter...................[Peter II.......]  1/99 Cb
  Pojer.1919..............[Brain-1919.....] 10/97 Pb
  Pojer.4028..............[Brain-4028.....]  2/98 Pb
  Prosp.1712.A............[Opic.GR........]  7/98 Rz
  Stealth_Boot.B..........[AMSE, NopB.....]  1/99 Sb
  Swiss_Boot.A............[Swiss Army.....]  1/99 Fl
  SysIntended.960.........[CS.960.........] 11/98 Cr
  TMC_Level-42............[TMC.????.......]  2/99 Mt
  Ungame.544..............[Omed.544.......] 11/98 Cr
  Urkel...................[Nwait..........]  1/99 Ws
  Viking.Dec3.............[...............]  4/98 Fp
  Vinchuca.925............[...............]  1/99 Ws
  VrapExe.3730............[XRF.3730, 3730.]  3/98 Fp
  W32/HLLP.DeTroie.A......[W32/Cheval.TCV.] 11/98 Fp
 +W95/CIH.1024............[...............]  3/99 Jm
 +W95/Hazlo...............[W95/K32.3030...]  3/99 Rv
  W95/HPS.5124............[WIN95/HPS......] 11/98 Fp
  W95/K32.3030............[...............]  1/99 Sb
  W95/Lorez.1766..........[...............] 12/98 Sm
  W95/Padania.............[...............]  1/99 Sb
  W97M/Chack.H............[...............]  2/99 Sm
 +W97M/Chack.L............[...............]  3/99 Ad
  W97M/Class.S............[...............] 11/98 Sb
 -W97M/Groov.B............[...............]  8/98 Sb
  W97M/Kompu.E............[...............]  3/98 Sb
  W97M/Kompu.H............[...............]  3/98 Ks
  W97M/MDMA.D.............[...............]  1/99 Jm
  W97M/Nottice.A..........[...............]  1/99 Jm
  W97M/Nottice.D..........[...............]  7/98 Gc
  W97M/Proteced.A.........[...............]  2/99 Sm
  W97M/Satt.A.............[W97M/Satelite..]  2/99 Sb
 +W97M/Setmd.G............[...............]  3/99 Sb
 +W97M/Shiver.C...........[...............]  3/99 Sm
  W97M/TWNO.AC............[...............] 11/98 Fp
  Werewolf.1500.B.........[...............]  1/99 Sb
  WM/Alien.A..............[...............]  1/99 Kd
  WM/Appder.B.............[...............]  1/99 Td
  WM/Appder.V.............[...............] 11/98 Fp
  WM/Bandung.AX...........[...............] 10/97 Rz
  WM/Bandung.AY...........[...............] 10/97 Rz
  WM/CAP.CQ...............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/CAP.CT...............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/CAP.DP...............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/CAP.EG...............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/CAP.EJ...............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/CAP.FP...............[...............]  7/98 Rz
  WM/CAP.FS...............[...............]  7/98 Rz
  WM/CAP.FX...............[...............]  8/98 Gc
  WM/CAP.GG...............[...............]  7/98 Rz
  WM/Cap.HB...............[...............] 10/98 Rz
  WM/Divina.C.............[...............]  5/98 Ps
  WM/Divina.R.............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/Dude.A...............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/DzT.A................[...............]  2/99 Ak
  WM/Dzt.I................[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/Geni.A...............[...............]  8/98 Ks
  WM/Goldfish.A...........[...............]  1/99 Jm
  WM/Imposter.E...........[...............]  1/99 Jd
  WM/Inexist.A:Fr.........[WM/Warning.....]  2/99 Fp
  WM/Johnny.V.............[...............]  7/98 Rz
  WM/Johnny.X.............[...............] 10/98 Rz
  WM/KMT.A................[...............]  2/99 Sb
  WM/Lunch.A..............[...............]  9/97 Dc
  WM/MDMA.AW..............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/Mentes.A.............[...............] 11/98 Fp
  WM/Muck.AT..............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/Muck.AV..............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/Muck.AY..............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/Muck.BC..............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/Muck.BH..............[...............]  7/98 Rz
  WM/Muck.BJ..............[...............]  7/98 Rz
  WM/Muck.F...............[...............]  3/98 Dc
  WM/Newyear.A............[...............]  4/98 Fp
  WM/Niceday.N............[...............] 12/98 Kb
  WM/Niceday.U............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/No_va.B..............[...............] 11/98 Jm
  WM/Npad.C...............[...............] 11/98 Cb
  WM/Npad.DP..............[...............] 10/97 Rz
  WM/Npad.FN..............[...............] 11/98 Cr
  WM/Npad.GJ..............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/Npad.HA..............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/Npad.HL..............[...............]  7/98 Rz
  WM/Nuclear.A............[...............] 11/98 Cr
  WM/Nuclear.AD...........[...............] 10/98 Rz
  WM/Nuclear.B............[...............]  1/99 Fl
  WM/Paycheck.L...........[...............]  7/98 Rz
  WM/Pesan.B..............[...............]  1/99 Jb
  WM/Rapi.A...............[...............]  1/99 Cb
  WM/ShowOff.CC...........[...............] 10/97 Rz
  WM/ShowOff.CG...........[...............] 10/97 Rz
  WM/Showoff.DF...........[...............]  7/98 Rz
  WM/Stall.A..............[...............] 11/98 Fp
  WM/Swlabs.B.............[...............] 10/97 Jm
  WM/Swlabs.G.............[...............]  1/99 Fp
  WM/Temple.N.............[...............]  3/98 Rz
  WM/Temple.Q.............[...............]  7/98 Rz
  WM/Temple.R.............[...............]  7/98 Rz
  WM/Veneno.D:Es..........[WM/Cap.GV......] 10/98 Rz
  WM/Wazzu.DK.............[...............]  4/98 Sb
  WM/Wazzu.DV.............[...............]  4/98 Fp
  WM/Wazzu.EC.............[...............]  4/98 Fp
  WM/Wazzu.Q..............[...............]  9/97 Dc
  WM/Wazzu.X..............[...............]  2/99 Kb
  Worry.1472..............[Zrdavim.1472, D]  3/98 Rz
  WPC_Bats.3199...........[WPCB.3207......] 11/98 Cr
 +X97M/Laroux.AN..........[...............]  3/99 Ad
  X97M/Laroux.AU..........[...............]  6/98 Ks
  X97M/Laroux.CF..........[...............]  7/98 Gc
 -X97M/Laroux.CG..........[...............] 12/98 Xc
  X97M/Laroux.DI..........[...............]  7/98 Rz
 +X97M/Laroux.DO..........[...............]  3/99 Rv
  X97M/Laroux.DW..........[...............] 11/98 Cr
 +X97M/Laroux.EE..........[...............]  3/99 Cb
 +X97M/Laroux.FC..........[...............]  3/99 Jm
  X97M/Laroux.GU..........[...............]  2/98 Cr
  X97M/Laroux.HJ..........[...............]  2/99 Sb
  X97M/Laroux.HK..........[...............]  2/99 Sb
  X97M/VCX.A..............[...............]  2/99 Rz
  XF/Sic..................[...............]  2/99 Kb
  XM/Extras.B.............[...............]  9/98 Ew
  XM/Laroux.AD............[...............]  3/98 Fp
  XM/Laroux.AJ............[...............]  4/98 Fp
  XM/Laroux.CF............[...............] 12/98 Kb
  XM/Laroux.D.............[...............] 11/98 Cr
  XM/Laroux.DW............[...............] 11/98 Cr
 +XM/Laroux.FC............[...............]  3/99 Jm
  XM/VCX.A................[...............]  1/99 Sm
  Zarma...................[Cowa...........]  3/98 Fp
  Total for both lists: 319 

                      WildList Sorted by Frequency
   This is not a prevalence table. It does not show how common each virus
   is. Rather it is the WildList sorted by the number of participants that
   report each virus.

   This section gives the names, types, and aliases of the most frequently
   reported viruses. These viruses have been reported by at least one third
   of the WildList participants. They are sorted with the most frequently
   reported first. A more complete alias list is also provided.

  Freq  Name                       Type    Aliases
  36  | WM/Concept.A............ | Macro | Prank Macro
  34  | WM/CAP.A................ | Macro |
  32  | AntiEXE.A............... | Boot  | D3
  31  | | Multi | Dis, Free Love
  30  | AntiCMOS.A.............. | Boot  | Lenart
  30  | Form.A.................. | Boot  | Form 18
  30  | | Multi | DrWhite.1027
  29  | WM/Npad.A............... | Macro | Jakarta
  26  | Empire.Monkey.B......... | Boot  | Monkey 2
  26  | Parity_Boot.B........... | Boot  | Generic 1
  25  | Ripper.................. | Boot  | Jack Ripper
  25  | WM/Wazzu.A.............. | Macro | Wazzu
  24  | XM/Laroux.A............. | Macro |
  23  | W95/CIH.1003............ | File  | Spacefiller
  21  | | Multi | Satan
  21  | NYB.A................... | Boot  | B1
  21  | Sampo................... | Boot  | Turbo, Wllop
  17  | Stoned.Angelina......... | Boot  |
  16  | Stoned.No_INT.A......... | Boot  | Stoned
  16  | WelcomB................. | Boot  | Bupt
  15  | WM/MDMA.A............... | Macro | StickyKeys
  Release notes for the March WildList:

  WLO welcomes Subramanya Rao.  Subramanya will report virus incident
  information for Proland Software.
  WLO bids farewell to Nick FitzGerald -- Virus Bulletin's WildList
  Participant.  Thanks for all the hard work Nick!  Nick stays on as
  advisor to the WLO board, but will be replaced by reporting particpant
  Fraser Howard. Welcome aboard Fraser.

  WLO bids farewell to Ralph Tee -- R.E. Solution's WildList
  Participant.  Thank you for all the years and hard work Ralph!
  R.E Solutions is now represented by one Mickey Loh, also based in
  Malaysia.  Welcome aboard Mickey.


  W32/Ska.A (a.k.a. HAPPY99.EXE)

  The classification of Ska as a worm, a virus, or a virus with the
  characteristics of a worm, is not yet fully agreed upon by all.
  Nonetheless, it is the opinion of most anti-virus researchers that
  W32/Ska.A -- whatever its ultimate classification -- is widespread and
  warrants being included in the WildList.


  For clarity, W95/, switches names with its alias:
  W95/Fono.  The "mp" modifier in a virus name identifies said virus as

  The WildList is collated by board members of the WildList Organization

  A complete archive of WildLists is available at the WildList
  Organization web site (

  The WildList and all material contained on this web site is the
  copyright of The Wildlist Organization International unless otherwise
  stated in the material itself. The WildList Organization
  International permits quotation and citation of the WildList either
  in whole or in part providing the WildList Organisation is identified
  as the source of the material. The WildList may not be altered or
  misrepresented in any way and only fair usage is permitted. Beyond
  these limited rights all rights are reserved.

  The WildList Organization and the WildList reporters make a diligent
  effort to ensure the accuracy of the data presented in the WildList.
  However, The WildList Organization makes no warranty against the
  accuracy of the information presented herein. The WildList
  Organization and WildList reporters cannot be held liable for any
  loss, or damages incurred from the use of WildList information.

  All queries about the WildList should be sent to [email protected].
   WildList Vol.903    -    (c) 1993-99 Joe Wells    -    [email protected]

  Version: 2.7
