========================================================================== PC Viruses in the Wild - November 1, 1993 ============================================================================ This is a cooperative listing of viruses reported as being in the wild by 12 virus information professionals. The basis for these reports are virus incidents where a sample was received, and positively identified by the participant. Rumors and unverified reports have been excluded. The list should not be considered a list of "currently common" viruses however. No provision is made for currency or commonness. Therefore it should be viewed only as a report of viruses verified as in-the-wild. ============================================================================ The section below gives the names of participants, along with their organization, antivirus product (if any), and geographic location. Key Participant Organization Product Location ============================================================================ AS Alan Solomon S&S Int'l Toolkit UK DC Dave Chess IBM IBM AntiVirus USA EK Eugene Kaspersky KAMI AVP Russia FS Fridrik Skulason Frisk Int'l F-Prot Iceland GJ Glenn Jordan Datawatch VirexPC USA JW Joe Wells Symantec NAV USA PD Paul Ducklin CSIR Virus Lab None So Africa PP Padgett Peterson Hobbyist DiskSecure USA RR Roger Riordan CYBEC VET Australia VB Vesselin Bontchev U of Hamburg None Germany WS Wolfgang Stiller Stiller Research Integ Master USA YR Yuval Rakavi BRM Untouchable Israel ============================================================================ The first chart is based on two or more participants reporting a virus. Therefore, these viruses are probably more geographically scattered. CARO Name of Virus AS DC EK FS GJ JW PD PP RR VB WS YR Alias(s) ============================================================================ Barrotes.A .............| x . . . . . x . . . . . | Barrotos Butterfly ..............| . . . . . x . . . x . . | Cascade.1701.A .........| x x . x . . . . . . . . | 1701 Cascade.1704.A .........| x x x x . x . . . . . x | 1704 Changsha ...............| . . . . . x . . x . . . | Centry Chinese Fish ...........| x x . x x x x . x . . x | Fish Boot Dark_Avenger.1800.A ....| x x . x x x . . x . x . | Eddie Dark_Avenger.2100.SI.A .| x . . . . x . . . . . . | V2100 Datalock.920 ...........| x x . . . x . . . . . x | V920 Den_Zuko.A .............| x . . . . x . . . . . . | Den Zuk Dir-II.A ...............| x x x x . x x . x x x . | CreepingDeath Disk_Killer.A ..........| x . x . . x . x . . . . | Ogre Even_Beeper ............| x x . . . . . . . . . . | EXE_Bug.A ..............| x . . . . x x . . . x . | CMOS EXE_Bug.C ..............| . . . . . . x . . . x . | Fichv.2_1 ..............| x . . x . . . . . . . x | 905 Filler .................| . . . . x x . . . . . . | Flip.2153.A ............| x x . x . x . . . . . . | Omicron Flip.2343 ..............| x . . x . . . . . . . . | Omicron Form ...................| x x . x x x . x . x x x | Frodo.Frodo.A ..........| x x . x . x . . x . . . | 4096,100 Year Green Caterpillar ......| x x . x x x . . x . x x | Find,1591 Helloween ..............| x . . . . . . . x . x x | Jerusalem.1244 .........| x x . . . . . . . . . . | 1244 Jerusalem.1808.Standard.| x x . x x x x x . . x . | 1808 Jerusalem.Anticad.4096 .| x . . x . . . . . . . . | Invader Jerusalem.Fu_Manchu ....| x . . . . x . . . . . . | Jerusalem.Mummy.2_1 ....| x . . x . . x . . . . . | Jerusalem.Zerotime.Austr| x x . . . . . . x . x . | Slow Joshi.A ................| x x . x x x . x x . x . | Kampana.3700:Boot ......| x x . x x x . . . . x . | Telecom,Drug Keypress.1232.A ........| x x . . . . x . x . x x | Turku,Twins Liberty ................| . x . x . x . . . . x x | Mystic,Magic Maltese Amoeba .........| x x . x . x . x . . x x | Irish Music_Bug ..............| . . . x x . . x . . x . | Necros .................| x . . . . x . . . . . . | Gnose,Irish3 No_Frills.Dudley .......| x . . . . . . . x . . . | Oi Dudley No_Frills.No_Frills ....| . . . . . x . . x . . . | Nomenklatura ...........| x x . . . . . . . . . . | Nomen November_17th.855.A ....| x x . x . . . . . . . . | V855 NPox.963.A .............| . . . x . x . . . . . x | Evil Genius Parity_Boot.B ..........| x . . . . . x . . x . . | Ping_Pong.B ............| x x . . . . . . . . x . | Italian Print_Screen ...........| x x . . . x . . . . . x | PrnScn Quit.A .................| x x . . . . . . . . . . | 555,Dutch Quox ...................| . x . x . x . . . . . . | Screaming_Fist.696 .....| x x . . x x . . . . x . | 696 Stealth.B ..............| . x . . . x . x . . . . | STB Stoned.16 ..............| x x . . . x . . . . . x | Brunswick Stoned.Azusa ...........| x x . x . x x x x . x . | Hong Kong Stoned.Empire.Monkey ...| . . . x x x . x x . x . | Stoned.June_4th ........| x . . . x x . . x x x . | Bloody! Stoned.Manitoba ........| . . . x . x . . . . . . | Monitoba Stoned.Michelangelo ....| x x x x x x x x x x x . | March 6 Stoned.NoINT ...........| x x . x x x x . x . x . | Stoned 3 Stoned.NOP .............| . . . . . x . . . . x . | Stoned.Standard.B ......| x . x x x x x x x x x . | New Zealand Stoned.Swedish_Disaster.| x . . . x . . . . . . . | Stardot.789 ............| . x . . . x . . . . . . | 805 SVC.3103 ...............| x . x . . x . . . . . . | SVC 5.0 Tequila ................| x x . x . x x . . . x x | Tremor .................| . . . x . . . . . x x . | V-Sign .................| x x . x x . . . x . x . | Cansu,Sigalit Vacsina.TP-05 ..........| x x . x x x . . . . x . | RCE-1206 Vacsina.TP-16 ..........| x x . x . . . . . . . . | RCE-1339 Vienna.648.Reboot ......| x x x . . . . . . . . . | DOS-62 Yale ...................| . x . . . x . . . . . . | Alameda Yankee Doodle.TP-39 ....| x . . x . . . . . . . . | RCE-2772 Yankee Doodle.TP-44.A ..| x . x x . x . . . x . x | RCE-2885 Yankee Doodle.XPEH.4928.| . . . x . . . . . . . x | Micropox Yeke.1076 ..............| . x . . . x . . . . . . | ============================================================================ Single Participant Reports ============================================================================ The second chart is based on a single participant noting more than one infection site and may signify limited regional virus outbreaks. CARO Name of Virus AS DC EK FS GJ JW PD PP RR VB WS YR Aliases ============================================================================ 10_Past_3.748 ..........| . . . . . . x . . . . . | Brain...................| . . . . . . . x . . . . | Cascade.1701.G .........| . . . . . . . . . x . . | 1701 Coffeeshop:MtE_090 .....| . . . . . . x . . . . . | Darth_Vader.3.A ........| . . . . . . . . . . x . | Datalock.828 ...........| . . . . . . . . . . . x | DosHunter ..............| . x . . . . . . . . . . | Emmie.3097 .............| . . . . . . . . . . . x | EXE_Engine .............| . . . . . . . . . x . . | Flame ..................| . . . . . . . . x . . . | Ginger .................| . . . . . . . . x . . . | Gingerbread Hafenstrasse ...........| . . . . . . . . . x . . | Hafen Involuntary.A ..........| . . . . . x . . . . . . | Invol Jerusalem.1808.CT ......| . x . . . . . . . . . . | Capt Trips Jerusalem.1808.Null ....| . x . . . . . . . . . . | Jerusalem.Carfield .....| x . . . . . . . . . . . | Jerusalem.Moctezuma ....| . x . . . . . . . . . . | Jerusalem.Mummy.1_2 ....| . . . . . . x . . . . . | Jerusalem.Sunday.A .....| . . . . . . x . . . . . | Sunday Jerusalem.Sunday.II ....| . x . . . . . . . . . . | Sunday 2 Joshi.B ................| . x . . . . . . . . . . | Little Brother.307 .....| . . . x . . . . . . . . | Lyceum.1788 ............| . . x . . . . . . . . . | Murphy.Smack.1841 ......| . . . . . x . . . . . . | Smack NJH-LBC ................| x . . . . . . . . . . . | Korea Boot Ontario.1024 ...........| . x . . . . . . . . . . | SBC,1024 Parity_Boot.A ..........| . . . . . . . . . . x . | Sat_Bug ................| . . . . . x . . . . . . | Satan Bug Sleepwalker ............| . . . . . . . . x . . . | Stinkfoot ..............| . . . . . . x . . . . . | Stoned.Bunny.A .........| . . . . . . x . . . x . | Stoned.Empire.In_Love ..| . . . . . x . . . . . . | Stoned.Empire.Int_10....| . . . . . . . x . . . . | Stoned.W-Boot ..........| . . . . . . . . x . . . | Swiss_Boot .............| . . . x . . . . . . . . | Swiss_Phoenix ..........| . . . . . . . . . . . x | Syslock.Syslock.A ......| x . . . . . . . . . . . | Voronezh.1600 ..........| . . x . . . . . . . . . | RCE-1600 ============================================================================ The collation of this material is done by Joe Wells, Virus Specialist at Symantec, Peter Norton Group, who is solely responsible for its contents. The material presented is implicitly copyrighted under various laws, but may be freely quoted or cited. However, its source and cooperative nature should be duly referenced. Other antivirus product developers are invited to participate. If you wish to do so, please contact me. ============================================================================ The WILDList by Joe Wells -- [email protected] -- 70750,3457 -- Vol1 #11 ============================================================================