Big Header-ed


  15 February 2006


Stuffing the entire spam message into the Subject line of an email.

Submitted by Nick FitzGerald (who also named the trick).


 Subject: Fw: Hbt Tue, 07 Feb 2006 02:23:51 -0700 [...] 
Do You have enough pwoer to provide your patrner high quality S-EX on St.Valentine day?
Get a MON-STER pwoer, nothing can bring your ererction down!
Show your partner the PWOER of your LOEV and she will always remember You.
Loev will ALWAYS be associated with YOU! Your order will be PRIVATE, nobody will know what You use.
Follow this link and get SSPECIAL DISSCOOUNT for that period: http://[...].com/


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