VB2024 call for last-minute papersVB2024-Dublin-dated.jpg

Click here to go directly to the abstract submission form.

Virus Bulletin is seeking submissions from those wishing to present 'last-minute' papers at VB2024, the 34th Virus Bulletin International Conference, which will take place 2-4 October in Dublin, Ireland.


What is a last-minute paper?

In addition to the presentations already scheduled on the VB2024 programme, a number of speaking slots have been set aside for 'last-minute' presentations, the aim of which is to present 'hot' research — note that the selection committee will be looking for material that is truly up-to-the-minute.

Those selected are asked to give a 30-minute talk at the conference in Dublin. Since these sessions are chosen so close to the event, we don't require a written paper for the last-minute presentations.


How to submit a proposal

Please use our online abstract submission form to submit a last-minute paper proposal for VB2024. You will need to include:

  • an abstract of approximately 300 words outlining the proposed presentation
  • full contact details with each submission
  • Note: The deadline for last-minute paper submissions is 2 September 2024. Submissions received later than 2 September 2024 will not be considered.

The abstract submission form can be found here.

Following the close of the call for papers all submissions will be reviewed by a selection committee; authors will be notified of the status of their paper by email. We aim to notify those whose last-minute papers have been selected no later than a week after the close of the call for papers.

One presenter per selected paper will be offered a complimentary conference registration, while co-authors will be offered registration at a 40% reduced rate (up to a maximum of two co-authors).

VB regrets that it is not able to assist with speakers' travel and accommodation costs.

Any queries relating to the call for papers should be addressed to [email protected].


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