Keynote address: Tales from the NCSC: the daily battle to defend a country in cyberspace

Wednesday 2 October 10:50 - 11:30, All rooms

Paul Chichester (National Cyber Security Centre, UK)

The UK's National Cyber Security Centre will be celebrating its third birthday the same week as VB2019 comes to London and its parent organisation GCHQ will be celebrating a rather longer history as it marks its 100 anniversary this year. In this talk we'll take a whistle stop tour of how the security and integrity of the UK's critical information and systems has been at the heart of GCHQ mission since the beginning and then consider how the NCSC defends the UK today as it seeks to make the country the safest place to live and do business on line. We'll take a closer look at the 600+ incidents a year the NCSC manages, some now familiar to everyone but the majority of which never make the public domain, and ask ourselves what can we learn. We'll also explore how the NCSC counters the UK's cyber adversaries, working closely with industry and international partners to create a cyber defence ecosystem for the UK and beyond.


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