Friday 5 October 11:00 - 12:30, Small talks
Benoît Hamelin (Element AI)
This workshop will quickly survey the landscape of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques, outlining how they can support efforts towards solving certain classes of cybersecurity problems, as well as the inherent challenges.
To better illustrate these challenges, the presentation will be followed by a hands-on exercise, whereby participants will leverage natural language comprehension approaches based on deep learning to classify email messages into ham and spam.
There are no special requirements for attendees. However, those who would like to benefit from the hands-on examples are invited to bring a laptop. Participants will work with Colaboratory; a Jupyter notebook environment developed by Google that requires no setup to use (as it runs in the cloud).
Alexander Vukcevic (Avira)
Jiri Sejtko (Avast)