Your role in child abuse

Friday 6 October 14:30 - 15:00, Green room

Mick Moran (An Garda Síochána)

The ever-changing world of ICT has created the perfect environment for those who have a sexual preference for children. Networking amongst themselves, accessing and sharing child abuse material and accessing children themselves are just some of the ways they use ICT. The network of networks including anonymous networks allows all of this abuse to take place in a 'virtual' way but with IRL consequences for many different people, including you. This presentation will take you on a tour of one of the darkest parts of society. Although this world was ably illuminated well by Nabokov in 1955, it is only really being understood now, and even then we fall into the trap of sensationalist headlines and closed minds that continues to stunt a conversation that must be had. 

I will argue that this is as much an infosec issue as a police one, and even try to convince you all that you should be treating it as a threat on your networks in the same way you do malware and spam. Finally, I will circle around to finish on your role in child abuse!



Mick Moran

I'm a very proud member of An Garda Síochána (pronunciation lessons from Brian Honan). I have been a police officer since 1990 and in that time have worked frontline, serious crime, computer crime and sexual crime investigation. I have been privileged to have worked with INTERPOL where I managed the vulnerable communities sub-directorate covering all aspects of human trafficking, people smuggling and child exploitation especially online.  I am currently the garda liaison officer in Paris where I cover all aspects of crime and national security.







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