Keynote address: Failure is an option

Friday 6 October 15:30 - 16:10, All rooms

Brian Honan (BH Consulting)

In a world that is becoming more and more dependent on computers, networks, and software, our focus is on ensuring the security and availability of those systems. Yet time and time again we witness major security events resulting in loss of data, services, or financial loss. Having worked with clients across many industries Brian will look at how these failures in our security should be viewed in a positive light and how, rather than avoid failures, we should look to embrace them.



Brian Honan

Brian Honan is an independent security consultant based in Dublin, Ireland, and is also the founder and head of IRISSCERT, Ireland's first CERT. He is a Special Advisor to Europol's Cybercrime Centre (EC3), an adjunct lecturer on information security at University College Dublin, and sits on the advisory board for a number of innovative security companies. He is the author of the book ISO 27001 in a Windows Environment and co-author of books The CSA Guide to Cloud Computing and The Cloud Security Rule". He is a regular speaker at major industry conferences and regular contributes to industry publications. In 2013 Brian was awarded 'SC Magazine Information Security Person of the Year' for his contribution to the computer security industry. Brian Honan was also inducted into the 2016 Infosecurity Europe Hall of Fame.







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