Digital security and human rights: tales and trends from the frontline

Wednesday 4 October 14:30 - 15:00, Green room

Claudio Guarnieri (Amnesty International)

Details TBA.



Claudio Guarnieri

Claudio is a security researcher specialized in investigating computer attacks and tracking state-sponsored hacking campaigns. He works as a technologist and researcher at Amnesty International, he is also a senior research fellow at the Citizen Lab, University of Toronto, and a core member of The Honeynet Project.

He created the open source malware analysis software Cuckoo Sandbox and Viper and runs the Malwr free service. He has published abundant research on botnets and targeted attacks and presented at conferences such as Hack In The Box, BlackHat, Chaos Communication Congress and many more.

He mostly researches and writes on government surveillance and threats to journalists and dissidents worldwide, and supports human rights organizations with operational security and emergency response.







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