VB2016 Image

VB2016 Denver

VB2016 was held 5-7 October 2016 in Denver, CO, USA.


VB2016: papers and programme

Slides for the VB2016 presentations are available for download where authors have provided them, and we are in the process of uploading the accompanying papers and recordings (where speakers have given permission).

Those presentations for which slides/papers/recordings are available are marked with the following symbols in the programme:

slide-icon.jpg Slides available to download (PDF format)
paper-icon.jpg Paper available to read in HTML format or download as PDF 
recording-icon.jpg Recording uploaded to our YouTube channel



Some of the highlights of the conference included:

Oleg-Petrovsky.jpgOleg Petrovsky
HPE Security research

GPS Attacks on a 'Shoe String': Methods of Analysis and Countermeasures


108x149-Axelle-Apvrille.jpgAxelle Apvrille

Mobile Applications: a Backdoor into Internet of Things?


Simon-Edwards.jpgSimon Edwards
SE Labs

Breach Detection, Protection and Response Testing: The Next-Gen Approach


Anton-Cherepanov.jpgRobert-Lipovsky.jpgRobert Lipovsky
Anton Cherepanov


BlackEnergy - What We Really Know About the Notorious Cyber Attacks



VB Conference

VB2024 Dublin

2 - 4 October 2024

VB Conference Testimonials

Some of the comments made by delegates of recent VB Conferences

Conference Archive

Details of past VB conferences

Péter Szőr Award

The Annual Péter Szőr Award for Technical Security Research

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