Privacy: a growing commodity in the modern age and our Remotium virtual solution to protect it (sponsor presentation)

Wednesday 30 September 17:00 - 17:30, Red room

Filip Chytrý (AVAST Software)

Today, we are surrounded by millions of sensors that measure and monitor our lives, cities, travels, homes and communities. There are currently more online endpoint devices and sensors in existence across the globe than there are human beings. Smartphones have become unbelievably integrated into our daily lives, and these tiny gadgets are just the tip of the iceberg that is the modern spying age. Take cameras, for example — when you get the chance, try taking a stroll around a city and see how many cameras you can spot. These could be cameras belonging to other people or surveillance cameras capturing public images. Whether they were taken accidentally or intentionally, it's difficult to argue with the fact that each of us is featured in public images and visual data that we remain largely unaware of.

When examining this issue through a mobile lens, it's interesting to take a look at apps which benefit us in some way. Although these apps can lend us a helping hand or aid us in socializing with our peers, they often sharing certain data with developers that the average person is likely unaware of and would be uncomfortable with sharing. In the worst case scenario, these apps' developers can implement poor security standards which could permit leakages of data shared by the user. Avast Remotium is a virtual space that allows users to mask their data, delivering unidentified data in its place in order to protect against data leaks and privacy breaches.

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Filip Chytrý

Filip Chytrý

Filip Chytrý is a security researcher at Avast. In his role as security researcher Filip researches and develops new threat and vulnerability detection engines and technologies for Avast's mobile products. Recently, Filip led a team that worked together with Qualcomm Technologies Inc. to develop the Qualcomm Snapdragon Smart Protect, a new kernel-level mobile security solution, to detect and classify zero-day threats and transform malware in real time using machine-learning-based behavioural analysis, to improve device security. Filip has been with Avast for six years and prior to his current role as security researcher, he worked in Avast's virus lab as a mobile malware analyst, detecting and analysing threats on Android. Filip joined Avast as a junior malware analyst while studying at the Technical College in Prague. During this time Filip was introduced to the Avast virus lab and began working closely with PC malware, detecting, analyzing and creating virus definitions. Filip Chytrý attended the School of Applied Cybernetics in Hradec Králove, Czech Republic.


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