Chris Lewis and Thomas Choi Nortel
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Spam is an expensive problem for enterprises because it not only poses a threat to its internal computing environment but also requires a significant investment in filtering technology. With Information Technology (IT) constantly being pressured to reduce its expenses, there is a need to find a low-cost solution to this problem.
In this paper, we present the NorTel Mailer (NTM), an open-source anti-spam filtering solution for enterprises, which provides all the core functionality that one would expect from a closed-source vendor but at a fraction of the cost. Furthermore, the open source solution is scalable and can process millions of emails per day without any degradation of email delivery service.
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that open-source software can effectively be used as the main gateway spam-filtering solution for a large enterprise. By meeting such an objective, corporations should consider looking at their existing anti-spam filtering expenses and determine whether they can reduce their costs by using our open source solution.