VB Blog

Spammers and phishers target Christmas shoppers

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 22, 2006

Online shoppers and email users face heightened festive risks.

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Zango still in spyware game

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 21, 2006

Dodgy tactics continue despite ruling.

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ISS to integrate BitDefender

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 21, 2006

Big Blue adds anti-virus and anti-spyware to desktop security product.

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UK toughens law against DoS, tools

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 20, 2006

New law ups penalties for hacking, but could threaten security research.

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Trojan planted on Chinese banking site

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 20, 2006

Backdoor dropper sneaked onto bank card operator's servers.

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Patch Tuesday vulnerability exploited

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 17, 2006

Attack developed within two days of disclosure.

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Worm targets Real Media files

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 17, 2006

McAfee warns of dangerous movies and music.

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Firefox anti-phishing better, says Mozilla

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 16, 2006

Browser phishing filters battle for supremacy.

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Panda vulnerabilities revealed

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 16, 2006

ActiveScan remote access holes patched, details disclosed.

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AVG, F-PROT suffer vulnerabilities

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 15, 2006

Reports of buffer overflows and other problems.

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