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Vulnerabilities closed in OpenOffice, StarOffice

Flaws patched in TIFF parsing code.
Flaws patched in TIFF parsing code. Security researchers at iDefense revealed last week that OpenOfficeversion 2.0.4 and earlier versions are vulnerable to maliciously crafted TIFF…

Quiet Patch Tuesday

Four flaws fixed in minimal security update.
Four flaws fixed in minimal security update.Microsoft's monthly 'Patch Tuesday' release of security updates for Windows and other software has been fairly quiet this month - with…

Yahoo!-owned ad firm serves up trojans

Infectious flash adverts displayed on major sites.
Infectious flash adverts displayed on major sites. Advertising supplied by ad firm Right Media, a company bought out by web giant Yahoo! earlier this year after an initial…

Minor flaws patched in Sophos AV

Security vulnerabilities found and fixed.
Security vulnerabilities found and fixed. Two separate flaws have been reported in Sophos's anti-virus engine, affecting most of its product range and allowing security bypass and…

String of vulnerabilities found in ServerProtect

Several minor holes patched in Trend Micro corporate product.
Several minor holes patched in Trend Micro corporate product. A series of security issues have been reported in Trend Micro's ServerProtect server-level product, which could allow…

Webcam zero-day in Yahoo! Messenger

Video chat invites pose vulnerability danger.
Video chat invites pose vulnerability danger. A zero-day vulnerability has been reported in the webcam module of Yahoo! Messenger, allowing attackers remote access to systems open…

14 flaws fixed in bumper Patch Tuesday

Critical remote execution and hijack holes closed.
Critical remote execution and hijack holes closed.Microsoft's monthly 'Patch Tuesday' security bulletin includes nine separate bulletins this month, covering a total of 14…

Storm e-card malware keeps on coming

No end to flood of fake friendly greetings.
No end to flood of fake friendly greetings. A further wave of e-cards carrying links to 'Storm' malware (various labelled Nuwar, Peacomm, Dorf, Zhelatin) has been hitting inboxes…

Serious flaws patched in Norton 2006 products

Symantec users warned of vulnerabilities.
Symantec users warned of vulnerabilities. Users of Symantec's popular Norton AntiVirus and Norton Internet Security products are being urged to ensure they are running the latest…

Series of products hit by vulnerabilities

Researcher finds flaws in ESET, Panda and Norman AV software.
Researcher finds flaws in ESET, Panda and Norman AV software. Researcher Sergio Alvarez has reported on vulnerabilities found in a string of anti-virus products this week, with…

Symantec, AVG suffer problems

Vulnerabilities and false positives strike major products.
Vulnerabilities and false positives strike major products.Symantec users have been warned of some serious issues with archive handling, across a wide range of software produced by…

7 flaws fixed in July Patch Tuesday release

Critical patches issued for Excel, Active Directory and .NET.
Critical patches issued for Excel, Active Directory and .NET.Microsoft has released a total of seven patches in its monthly 'Patch Tuesday' security update, with three of the…

Controversy over IE-to-Firefox exploit

MS and Mozilla in row over blame for cross-browser attack.
MS and Mozilla in row over blame for cross-browser attack. An exploit which involves browsing to a malicious website using Internet Explorer, but then launches an attack via a…

Fake updates and phony postcards carry malware

Microsoft patch and greetings card spams bring more trojans.
Microsoft patch and greetings card spams bring more trojans. Several spam runs posing as vulnerability alerts from Microsoft have been spotted in the last week, with links to…

4 critical flaws patched this Patch Tuesday

Microsoft's June Security Bulletin covers range of vulnerabilities.
Microsoft's June Security Bulletin covers range of vulnerabilities.Microsoft's latest 'Patch Tuesday' security bulletin, released yesterday, includes fixes for six vulnerabilities,…

Bugs found in Apple's new Windows browser within hours of release

Safari not so good-y.
Safari not so good-y. A number of security researchers say they found bugs in Apple's brand new web browser Safari for Windows just hours after its public beta release on 11 June.…

Serious holes in Yahoo! Messenger

Critical vulnerabilities fully disclosed.
Critical vulnerabilities fully disclosed. Two security flaws in the popular Yahoo! Messenger communications software have been reported, with full details available online before a…

CA struck by vulnerability

CAB handling issue affects swathe of products.
CAB handling issue affects swathe of products. Two flaws related to the handling of CAB archive files by the CA anti-virus engine have been reported, rendering products across CA's…

Vulnerabilities strike more AV firms, and Mac too

F-Secure and Authentium patch holes, while Samba flaws worry Apple users.
F-Secure and Authentium patch holes, while Samba flaws worry Apple users. Users of Mac OS X, used to a cosy sense of security, have been warned of possible penetration vectors…

Overflows hit NOD32

Vulnerabilities disclosed after patching.
Vulnerabilities disclosed after patching. Two stack-overflow vulnerabilities have been disclosed in Eset's flagship NOD32 AntiVirus product, which could have been exploited to…

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