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Steganoprague: a VB2015 competition & puzzle

Use your obfuscation and deobfuscation skills to win a prize during the VB2015 conference!
Use your obfuscation and deobfuscation skills to win a prize during the VB2015 conference! "It is time for defenders to go on the offence," wrote Andreas Lindh in Virus Bulletin…

Virus Bulletin announces 'Small Talks' for VB2015

Smaller, more informal format ideal for discussion and debate.
Smaller, more informal format ideal for discussion and debate. When, a few months ago, we announced the programme for VB2015, we promised 'a number of added extras'. We have…

Virus Bulletin announces student tickets for VB2015

87% discount for students and the option to give a lightning talk.
87% discount for students and the option to give a lightning talk. A few weeks ago, we opened registration for VB2015, which will take place in Prague from 30 September to 2…

VB2015 offer for new security companies

Write an article for the Bulletin, get a half-price ticket for the conference.
Write an article for the Bulletin, get a half-price ticket for the conference. Things are going well for the security industry. That may, of course, be because of the poor state of…

Registration for VB2015 has opened

Early bird discounts available for registrations made before 30 June.
Early bird discounts available for registrations made before 30 June. Today, we have opened registration for VB2015, the 25th Virus Bulletin International Conference. 'VB' is…

Virus Bulletin announces two VB2015 keynotes

Ross Anderson and Costin Raiu to deliver keynote addresses at 25th Virus Bulletin conference.
Ross Anderson and Costin Raiu to deliver keynote addresses at 25th Virus Bulletin conference. Two days after we published the programme for VB2015, we are excited to announce that…

VB2014 paper: Swipe away, we're watching you

Hong Kei Chan and Liang Huang describe the various aspects and the evolution of point-of-sale malware.
Hong Kei Chan and Liang Huang describe the various aspects and the evolution of point-of-sale malware.Since the close of the VB2014 conference in Seattle in October, we have been…

VB2015 conference programme announced

From drones to elephants: an exciting range of topics will be covered in Prague.
From drones to elephants: an exciting range of topics will be covered in Prague. In six months' time, security researchers from around the world will gather in Prague for the 25th…

Virus Bulletin seeks hackers, network researchers for VB2015

One week left to submit an abstract for the 25th Virus Bulletin conference.
One week left to submit an abstract for the 25th Virus Bulletin conference. A few weeks ago, I made a short visit to the Clarion Congress Hotel in Prague, where VB2015 will take…

VB2014 paper: P0wned by a barcode: stealing money from offline users

Fabio Assolini explains how cybercriminals are targeting boletos.
Fabio Assolini explains how cybercriminals are targeting boletos.Since the close of the VB2014 conference in Seattle in October, we have been sharing VB2014 conference papers as…

Frequently asked questions about VB2015 conference submissions

No, it doesn't have to be about malware and no, it doesn't have to be deeply technical either!
No, it doesn't have to be about malware and no, it doesn't have to be deeply technical either! Last month, we opened the call for papers for VB2015, the 25th Virus Bulletin…

VB2014 paper: Ubiquitous Flash, ubiquitous exploits and ubiquitous mitigation

Chun Feng and Elia Florio analyse two Flash Player vulnerabilities and an IE one where Flash provides a helping hand.
Chun Feng and Elia Florio analyse two Flash Player vulnerabilities and an IE one where Flash provides a helping hand.Since the close of the VB2014 conference in Seattle in October,…

VB2014 paper: OPSEC for security researchers

Vicente Diaz teaches researchers the basics of OPSEC.
Vicente Diaz teaches researchers the basics of OPSEC.Since the close of the VB2014 conference in Seattle in October, we have been sharing VB2014 conference papers as well as video…

VB2014 paper: Duping the machine - malware strategies, post sandbox detection

James Wyke looks at malware that takes extra steps to frustrate researchers.
James Wyke looks at malware that takes extra steps to frustrate researchers.Since the close of the VB2014 conference in Seattle in October, we have been sharing VB2014 conference…

VB2014 Paper: Attack surface analysis of Tizen devices

Irfan Asrar looks at the security of the operating system used in many IoT devices.
Irfan Asrar looks at the security of the operating system used in many IoT devices.Since the close of the VB2014 conference in Seattle in October, we have been sharing VB2014…

Conference review: Botconf 2014

Second edition of 'botnet fighting conference' another great success.
Second edition of 'botnet fighting conference' another great success. I had been looking forward to the second edition of the Botconf conference ever since I came back from the…

Call for Papers: VB2015 Prague

VB seeks submissions for the 25th Virus Bulletin Conference.
VB seeks submissions for the 25th Virus Bulletin Conference.Virus Bulletin is seeking submissions from those wishing to present papers at VB2015, which will take place 30 September…

Virus Bulletin announces platinum sponsors for VB2015

More sponsorship opportunities available.
More sponsorship opportunities available. While the opening of VB2015 in Prague is still more than nine months away, we have already started with the preparations for what will be…

Botconf 2014 preview

Many VB authors and presenters to speak at second botnet-fighting conference.
Many VB authors and presenters to speak at second botnet-fighting conference. Last year, I attended the first edition of 'Botconf' in the French city of Nantes. I really enjoyed…

VB2014 paper: Optimized mal-ops. Hack the ad network like a boss

Why buying ad space makes perfect sense for those wanting to spread malware.
Why buying ad space makes perfect sense for those wanting to spread malware.Over the next few months, we will be sharing VB2014 conference papers as well as video recordings of the…

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