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VBSpam tests to be executed under the AMTSO framework

VB is excited to announce that, starting from the Q3 test, all VBSpam tests of email security products will be executed under the AMTSO framework.
VB is excited to announce that, starting from the Q3 test, all VBSpam tests of email security products will be executed under the AMTSO framework. The Anti-Malware Testing…

First 11 partners of VB2019 announced

We are excited to announce the first 11 companies to partner with VB2019, whose support will help ensure a great event.
The Virus Bulletin Conference is all about bringing the security community together to share intelligence and move the industry forward, but we wouldn't be able to do any of this…

Virus Bulletin to attend AMTSO, AVAR and Botconf

Next week, Virus Bulletin researchers will be attending the AMTSO meeting and AVAR conference in Beijing, China, as well as the 5th edition of the Botconf conference in Montpellier, France.
Next week, Virus Bulletin will attend a number of important security conferences in Beijing, China and Montpellier, France.     In Beijing, security…

VB2017 paper: The (testing) world turned upside down

At VB2017 in Madrid, industry veteran and ESET Senior Research Fellow David Harley presented a paper on the state of security software testing. Today we publish David's paper in both HTML and PDF format.
Few subjects are as hotly debated within the security community as the testing of security software. Virus Bulletin has been at the core of many of these debates, both as a…

VB2017 Small Talks and reserve papers announced

Today we announce the first two Small Talks for the VB2017 programme: ENISA will provide its perspective on the WannaCry outbreak and the lessons learned from it, while David Harley will talk about the past and present of security product testing.
Today, we are pleased to announce the first two Small Talks for the VB2017 programme. The 'Small Talks' were first introduced as a third stream at the VB Conference in 2015,…

AMTSO unveils product setup check tools

Set of checks can show if your security is properly configured and operational.
Set of checks can show if your security is properly configured and operational. Today AMTSO officially released its 'Feature settings check' solutions, a set of simple tools to…

AMTSO members summit covers controversial issues

Expert body gets to grips with string of difficult subjects.
Expert body gets to grips with string of difficult subjects. A meeting of the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organisation (AMTSO) took place this week, with leading experts from…

Security experts pool ideas at European conferences

Research and expertise shared at CARO and AMTSO meetings.
Research and expertise shared at CARO and AMTSO meetings. Last week saw two major gatherings of top security and anti-malware experts from across the globe, as the third annual…

AMTSO meets again to discuss better testing

Further documents developed at Cupertino meeting.
Further documents developed at Cupertino meeting. This week has seen another meeting of the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization, AMTSO, hosted by security giant Symantec in…

AMTSO releases draft guidelines for public comment

First major publication emerges from testing standards body.
First major publication emerges from testing standards body. The Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization, the global body set up to improve and support the testing of security…

Security experts gather in Europe

Anti-malware insights pooled at AMTSO, CARO and EICAR meetings.
Anti-malware insights pooled at AMTSO, CARO and EICAR meetings. Many of the world's leading anti-malware and security experts came together in the past week, at a string of…

New security software testing standards body formed

AMTSO to promote cross-industry debate and higher standards in testing.
AMTSO to promote cross-industry debate and higher standards in testing. A collaborative group from across the security industry has officially been founded this week, aiming to…

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