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VBSpam tests to be executed under the AMTSO framework

VB is excited to announce that, starting from the Q3 test, all VBSpam tests of email security products will be executed under the AMTSO framework.
VB is excited to announce that, starting from the Q3 test, all VBSpam tests of email security products will be executed under the AMTSO framework. The Anti-Malware Testing…

The threat and security product landscape in 2017

At the start of the new year, Virus Bulletin looks back at the threats seen in the 2017 and at the security products that are available to help mitigate them.
Like many security firms, Virus Bulletin takes the opportunity of the start of the new year to look back at the threats seen over the last 12 months. In a report we publish…

Throwback Thursday: Anti-malware testing undercover

We look back at the VB2016 presentation by Righard Zwienenberg (ESET) and Luis Corrons (Panda Security), in which they discussed various issues relating to anti-malware testing.
The testing of security products has been a hotly debated topic in the industry for at least the past two decades. It was, for instance, the topic of a popular VB2017 paper by…

VB2017 paper: The (testing) world turned upside down

At VB2017 in Madrid, industry veteran and ESET Senior Research Fellow David Harley presented a paper on the state of security software testing. Today we publish David's paper in both HTML and PDF format.
Few subjects are as hotly debated within the security community as the testing of security software. Virus Bulletin has been at the core of many of these debates, both as a…

Throwback Thursday: Ten memorable Virus Bulletin conference presentations - part 2

In the second part of this two-part blog series, we look at five more memorable Virus Bulletin conference presentations.
With an excellent conference programme featuring some of the top experts in the IT security industry and covering some of the most important topics, we have much to look forward…

The Living Dead Anti-Virus

Should users uninstall their anti-virus products, as was recently suggested by a security expert in a widely shared article? In a guest post, security consultant Hendrik Pilz explains why he doesn't think this is a good idea.
A former director of testing at AV-TEST and a one-time VB conference speaker, security consultant Hendrik Pilz is passionate about the quality of security products. In a guest…

Virus Bulletin publishes first web filter test report

After a lot of preparation, Virus Bulletin is proud to have published the first "VBWeb" comparative web filter test report, in which products' ability to block web-based malware and drive-by downloads was tested. Fortinet's FortiGuard appliance was the fi…
Virus Bulletin has been testing security products for more than 18 years, and in recent years, we have had many requests from product developers asking us to test their web…

VB2013 speaker spotlight

We speak to VB2013 presenters Lysa Myers and David Harley about their research interests and what they aim to bring to the conference.
We speak to VB2013 presenters Lysa Myers and David Harley about their research interests and what they aim to bring to the conference. The VB2013 conference takes place this autumn…

AMTSO unveils product setup check tools

Set of checks can show if your security is properly configured and operational.
Set of checks can show if your security is properly configured and operational. Today AMTSO officially released its 'Feature settings check' solutions, a set of simple tools to…

Latest AV-Test results released

New round of figures compare products to Microsoft baselines.
New round of figures compare products to Microsoft baselines. Independent test organization AV-Test has released its latest bimonthly report, covering 26 consumer products and nine…

VB100 XP comparative features new speed vs. detection graph

At-a-glance chart shows both detection rates and impact on system performance.
At-a-glance chart shows both detection rates and impact on system performance. The results of the latest VB100 comparative review were released recently, covering 40 products on…

AV-Comparatives reveals detection and protection reports

Figures released for long-term real-world tests and large-scale scanning measures.
Figures released for long-term real-world tests and large-scale scanning measures. Hot on the heels of the recent report from AV-Test, the latest sets of figures from Austrian…

AV-Test releases first Windows 8 test stats

Corporate and consumer products rated against Windows Defender baseline.
Corporate and consumer products rated against Windows Defender baseline. Independent testing house has released its first set of figures for solutions run on Windows 8,… unveils latest results

Trend Micro achieves pass; Microsoft and McAfee fail to reach certification standards.
Trend Micro achieves pass; Microsoft and McAfee fail to reach certification standards. Independent testing body has released its latest set of quarterly test results,…

Latest VB100 announced

Solutions for Windows Vista to be put through their paces.
Solutions for Windows Vista to be put through their paces. The latest round of VB100 testing has been announced, with a comparative to be run on Microsoft's Windows Vista in July.…

Record breaking 60 anti-malware products undergo VB100 testing on Windows XP

One third fail to gain certification.
One third fail to gain certification. Virus Bulletin has completed its largest ever test of anti-malware products, with a phenomenal 60 products being tested on Windows XP. 40 of…

Next VB100 comparative announced

SUSE test to challenge Linux products.
SUSE test to challenge Linux products. The latest round of VB100 testing has been announced, with a comparative to be run on Novell's SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 in January.…

VB100 update

Post-test analysis corrects results for MS Forefront, CA.
Post-test analysis corrects results for MS Forefront, CA. In the wake of the mammoth VB100 comparative released earlier this week, the lab team have been conducting thorough…

AV-Comparatives releases latest retrospective figures

Half of products rated top-class in proactive detection testing.
Half of products rated top-class in proactive detection testing. Independent testing lab AV-Comparatives has released its latest set of results, the semi-annual retrospective test…

ICSA Labs report reveals testing details

Certification issues unmasked in 20-year lab survey.
Certification issues unmasked in 20-year lab survey. Renowned testing and certification group ICSA Labs has released a fascinating report drawing back the curtain on its security…

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