VBSpam tests to be executed under the AMTSO framework

Posted by    on   Jun 24, 2024

VB is excited to announce that, starting from the Q3 test, all VBSpam tests of email security products will be executed under the AMTSO framework.

The Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization (AMTSO) is an international non-profit association that focuses on the objectivity, quality and relevance of testing methodologies.

Among others, AMTSO maintains the AMTSO Testing Protocol Standard, a document jointly developed by infosecurity product vendors and test labs that defines rules for both types of parties to achieve fair, objective and relevant tests.

Starting from the Q3 test, all VBSpam tests will be executed under the AMTSO framework and will seek to be certified as compliant with the latest version of the AMTSO testing standard.

AMTSO regularly audits the execution of tests that seek to be compliant with the Standard.

"We are excited to bring the VBSpam test into the AMTSO fold, because AMTSO supervision offers many benefits, both to readers of our VBSpam reports and to the vendors of the products being tested," said Ionuț Răileanu, VBSpam Test Lead. "Being able to demonstrate AMTSO compliance will act as a guarantee that our tests are trustworthy and impartial, and that they follow a solid methodology approved by an independent party, thus underlining their credibility to the reader, and ensuring a fair test for vendors."

"Our VB100 tests have been executed under the AMTSO framework since November 2023," said Head of Testing Péter Karsai, "so we're pleased to now be able to bring the VBSpam tests under the same scrutiny and pass on the benefits to our readers and the product vendors alike."

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